<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <feed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xml:lang="en-gb"> <link rel="self" type="application/atom+xml" href="https://the3rdchoice.org/forum/feed.php?f=50&t=13602" /> <title>the3rdchoice.org</title> <subtitle>Answers You Can Trust</subtitle> <link href="https://the3rdchoice.org/forum/index.php" /> <updated>2023-06-17T19:21:45-04:00</updated> <author><name><![CDATA[the3rdchoice.org]]></name></author> <id>https://the3rdchoice.org/forum/feed.php?f=50&t=13602</id> <entry> <author><name><![CDATA[Anonymous]]></name></author> <updated>2023-06-17T19:21:45-04:00</updated> <published>2023-06-17T19:21:45-04:00</published> <id>https://the3rdchoice.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=13602&p=28280#p28280</id> <link href="https://the3rdchoice.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=13602&p=28280#p28280"/> <title type="html"><![CDATA[Re: Genesis 1:26 - To whom does "us" refer?]]></title> <content type="html" xml:base="https://the3rdchoice.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=13602&p=28280#p28280"><![CDATA[ This is an interesting piece of information, thank you.<p>Statistics: Posted by Guest — Sat Jun 17, 2023 7:21 pm</p><hr /> ]]></content> </entry> <entry> <author><name><![CDATA[jimwalton]]></name></author> <updated>2020-10-11T15:34:23-04:00</updated> <published>2020-10-11T15:34:23-04:00</published> <id>https://the3rdchoice.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=13602&p=28275#p28275</id> <link href="https://the3rdchoice.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=13602&p=28275#p28275"/> <title type="html"><![CDATA[Re: Genesis 1:26 - To whom does "us" refer?]]></title> <content type="html" xml:base="https://the3rdchoice.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=13602&p=28275#p28275"><![CDATA[ There are different views. The one I think has the most credibility is that it is a pluralistic majestatis—a majestic plural to express the work of more than one Person. The OT people would have understood it as an expression of the heavenly court—God and His divine council (non-deities). When we get to the NT we find out that Jesus was the agent of creation along with YHWH (Jn. 1.3; Col. 1.16; Heb. 1.2).<p>Statistics: Posted by <a href="https://the3rdchoice.org/forum/memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=2">jimwalton</a> — Sun Oct 11, 2020 3:34 pm</p><hr /> ]]></content> </entry> <entry> <author><name><![CDATA[Anonymous]]></name></author> <updated>2020-10-11T15:27:31-04:00</updated> <published>2020-10-11T15:27:31-04:00</published> <id>https://the3rdchoice.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=13602&p=28274#p28274</id> <link href="https://the3rdchoice.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=13602&p=28274#p28274"/> <title type="html"><![CDATA[Genesis 1:26 - To whom does "us" refer?]]></title> <content type="html" xml:base="https://the3rdchoice.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=13602&p=28274#p28274"><![CDATA[ Hi everybody,<br /><br />I am a non believer, but have a interest in all beliefs as I believe by understanding other beliefs I will be able to better myself in acceptance of other around me.<br /><br />I was raised Christian by a Dutch Protestant father and Catholic New Zealand mother.<br /><br />Both never enforced anything upon me as they believed I would find my own way which would fit me and make me a better person.<br /><br />So growing up I did read the Bible and we did prey before eating, but never actually attended any service.<br /><br />As I now am a father of two (Noah, 11 and Ezra 9) I have started reading the Bible again as I feel certain elements are very good common practices in life in general.<br /><br />And straight away I stumble upon Genesis 1:26.<br /><br />And my mind flags it as I don't understand it.<br /><br />I've compared translations and all of them state, Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image."<br /><br />In what context should I read the "us" in this text?<p>Statistics: Posted by Guest — Sun Oct 11, 2020 3:27 pm</p><hr /> ]]></content> </entry> </feed>