by PJs » Sat Nov 24, 2018 12:08 pm
Many mediums, at least in the US, are full of it. However, I do believe there are many true mediums and that seeking them out in order to contact the spiritual realm is sinful. I can provide Scripture if needed, but that doesn't seem like where your question is going.
First, I want to clarify that simply being aware of the spiritual realm or seeing things in it is not sinful. It is the willful act of seeking out spirits that is sinful.
Second, I would agree that some people are more susceptible to being contacted themselves or that they are more likely to be aware of the spiritual workings around them. They may even have this "ability" (for lack of a better term) their whole life. That fact is not sinful on the part of that individual, it is when that individual seeks them out that it becomes so.
Third, the are many reasons seeking mediums (by mediums here I mean those with the "ability" that actively seek these spirits out) is forbidden, and it is forbidden in many places in Scripture. The first, is that we are meant to seek God. He is the spirit we are to go after. Not the dead and not demons. The second, is that these entities being contacted are malevolent. They may mask themselves as friendly, but they only seek harm.
Fourth, while a person who is clairvoyant may not be able to turn it off, they can still fight it. Christians are instructed to resist evil spirits daily, to but give into the evil one. The clairvoyant is simply more aware of the battles taking place in their lives.
Many mediums, at least in the US, are full of it. However, I do believe there are many true mediums and that seeking them out in order to contact the spiritual realm is sinful. I can provide Scripture if needed, but that doesn't seem like where your question is going.
First, I want to clarify that simply being aware of the spiritual realm or seeing things in it is not sinful. It is the willful act of seeking out spirits that is sinful.
Second, I would agree that some people are more susceptible to being contacted themselves or that they are more likely to be aware of the spiritual workings around them. They may even have this "ability" (for lack of a better term) their whole life. That fact is not sinful on the part of that individual, it is when that individual seeks them out that it becomes so.
Third, the are many reasons seeking mediums (by mediums here I mean those with the "ability" that actively seek these spirits out) is forbidden, and it is forbidden in many places in Scripture. The first, is that we are meant to seek God. He is the spirit we are to go after. Not the dead and not demons. The second, is that these entities being contacted are malevolent. They may mask themselves as friendly, but they only seek harm.
Fourth, while a person who is clairvoyant may not be able to turn it off, they can still fight it. Christians are instructed to resist evil spirits daily, to but give into the evil one. The clairvoyant is simply more aware of the battles taking place in their lives.