by gmw803 » Fri Aug 21, 2015 11:43 am
I think we are taking too simplistic an approach to miracles. To be sure, Jesus is as capable of performing miracles today as He was the day that He walked the earth bodily. But just before His death, He cautioned that only the wicked ask for a sign. He was exiting the miracle business as we know it from the Gospel accounts, and the resurrection would be His last and only remaining miracle.
Today, there is an even better reason why we do not call on God to perform miracles on request. The mere concept of faith requires that God cannot be solved. Were we able to call on God to move the Rocky Mountains into the Pacific Ocean, heal all cancers with no medical intervention (as we perceive medical intervention), or any of a myriad of supernatural events that cross our mind, then you would be in the damnable condition that you believe in God with faith now having become out of your reach. There is no faith, because you have seen. And without faith, it is impossible to please God. I caution strongly that if this point is not understood, then you may as well stop reading here. For the rest of this post will make no sense.
For that reason, I take my cues on modern miracles - not from the New Testament, but from the days when Israel wandered in the wilderness. For 40 years, they had food - a miracle; they had shelter - God Himself; they had clothing - God performed a miracle in assuring that nobody's shoes or garments wore out. It is that last category that should attract our attention today.
As an example, I had a day that I expected to be rather quiet. But that same day, my engine block cracked. Question: When did it really crack? I know the day that I found out that it had cracked. But I do not know the day it actually cracked. I had just come off a very busy run. How do I know that God has not been holding the block together for a month until I had both the time and money to deal with it.
You may accuse me of unfair presentation: You say that such an understanding of miracles is self-fulfilling and unfalsifyable. I have two responses: First, such an understanding is the only way to see miracles happen, yet retain the faith which pleases God.
My second response is a little more complex. We know that the heart of man is so desperately wicked that we can't even comprehend how desperately wicked it is - the heart of every man, with no exceptions. Yet you pipe up: Most of the people are not so bad. We screw up now and then, but I am basically a good person.
Now in addition to just having called God a liar, you are faced with a different problem: How do you know this? For just as God promises (Job 38:11), the heart of man is permitted to stray only so far from the areas where God would have it go. This is why (except in two facets of life), the code of conduct for man is approximately the same as the code of conduct that God would have us observe. Stealing? God: Nay. Man: Nay. Lying: God: Nay. Man: Nay. Honoring your parents: God: Aye. Man: Aye. Man is even squeamish on adultery. Not that man wishes to judge adultery. But we do have an innate sense that the children will be injured more than they deserve.
A man restrained by God according to Job 38:11 will give to charity. The unrestrained will rob from charity. And all gifts to charity are miracles of God who overrode the nature of a desperately wicked heart. The mere fact that the human race has survived is evidence that God overrides the will of man to kill. And this leads us to another broad topic that - were I to delve into it - would assure that this post never ends. How can God allow such brutality that we hear of?
Sure God could have prevented it. I bear witness that God has for my entire life isolated me from the circumstances by which I am tempted to kill. But all He has to do is.... well, nothing. And in five minutes, I will begin my career in organized crime. If God would prevent all crime - which He is certainly able to do - then we would conclude that man is law-abiding, and there is no need to trust Him for salvation. So in grace, God from time to time lifts the curtain to show what man is capable of, and by extension that we desperately need God's salvation. In other words, every act of kindness is a miracle. The evil man does is when God does not perform a miracle.
[The two facets of life that God and man disagree are the object of worship and the canons of sexual purity. That is why they are paired so frequently (Revelation 20:4, Romans 1:18-32). That the believer can so easily see the wickedness of man as God does not override the will of man is proof that trusting God results in a new creation to do His will. And that - by any standard - is a miracle.]
I think we are taking too simplistic an approach to miracles. To be sure, Jesus is as capable of performing miracles today as He was the day that He walked the earth bodily. But just before His death, He cautioned that only the wicked ask for a sign. He was exiting the miracle business as we know it from the Gospel accounts, and the resurrection would be His last and only remaining miracle.
Today, there is an even better reason why we do not call on God to perform miracles on request. The mere concept of faith requires that God cannot be solved. Were we able to call on God to move the Rocky Mountains into the Pacific Ocean, heal all cancers with no medical intervention (as we perceive medical intervention), or any of a myriad of supernatural events that cross our mind, then you would be in the damnable condition that you believe in God with faith now having become out of your reach. There is no faith, because you have seen. And without faith, it is impossible to please God. I caution strongly that if this point is not understood, then you may as well stop reading here. For the rest of this post will make no sense.
For that reason, I take my cues on modern miracles - not from the New Testament, but from the days when Israel wandered in the wilderness. For 40 years, they had food - a miracle; they had shelter - God Himself; they had clothing - God performed a miracle in assuring that nobody's shoes or garments wore out. It is that last category that should attract our attention today.
As an example, I had a day that I expected to be rather quiet. But that same day, my engine block cracked. Question: When did it really crack? I know the day that I found out that it had cracked. But I do not know the day it actually cracked. I had just come off a very busy run. How do I know that God has not been holding the block together for a month until I had both the time and money to deal with it.
You may accuse me of unfair presentation: You say that such an understanding of miracles is self-fulfilling and unfalsifyable. I have two responses: First, such an understanding is the only way to see miracles happen, yet retain the faith which pleases God.
My second response is a little more complex. We know that the heart of man is so desperately wicked that we can't even comprehend how desperately wicked it is - the heart of every man, with no exceptions. Yet you pipe up: Most of the people are not so bad. We screw up now and then, but I am basically a good person.
Now in addition to just having called God a liar, you are faced with a different problem: How do you know this? For just as God promises (Job 38:11), the heart of man is permitted to stray only so far from the areas where God would have it go. This is why (except in two facets of life), the code of conduct for man is approximately the same as the code of conduct that God would have us observe. Stealing? God: Nay. Man: Nay. Lying: God: Nay. Man: Nay. Honoring your parents: God: Aye. Man: Aye. Man is even squeamish on adultery. Not that man wishes to judge adultery. But we do have an innate sense that the children will be injured more than they deserve.
A man restrained by God according to Job 38:11 will give to charity. The unrestrained will rob from charity. And all gifts to charity are miracles of God who overrode the nature of a desperately wicked heart. The mere fact that the human race has survived is evidence that God overrides the will of man to kill. And this leads us to another broad topic that - were I to delve into it - would assure that this post never ends. How can God allow such brutality that we hear of?
Sure God could have prevented it. I bear witness that God has for my entire life isolated me from the circumstances by which I am tempted to kill. But all He has to do is.... well, nothing. And in five minutes, I will begin my career in organized crime. If God would prevent all crime - which He is certainly able to do - then we would conclude that man is law-abiding, and there is no need to trust Him for salvation. So in grace, God from time to time lifts the curtain to show what man is capable of, and by extension that we desperately need God's salvation. In other words, every act of kindness is a miracle. The evil man does is when God does not perform a miracle.
[The two facets of life that God and man disagree are the object of worship and the canons of sexual purity. That is why they are paired so frequently (Revelation 20:4, Romans 1:18-32). That the believer can so easily see the wickedness of man as God does not override the will of man is proof that trusting God results in a new creation to do His will. And that - by any standard - is a miracle.]