by jimwalton » Tue May 23, 2017 8:42 am
You treat sin as if it's a social disease, not a spiritual one. The Bible uses a lot of different terms to talk about sin. Some focus on its causes, others on its nature, and still others on its consequences.
- Error
- Missing the mark
- irreligion
- transgression
- iniquity; lack of integrity
- rebellion
- treachery
- perversion
- abomination
- evil or badness
- trouble
Sin is rebellion against God and a denying of the truth, including moral perversion, as well as social irresponsibility in not taking care of one another with food, clothing, health care, etc. William Stevens says, "Various definitions of sin have been set forth. One is that sin is non-conformity to the moral law of God. Yet sin goes much deeper than God’s law, for it goes back to our relationship with a personal God. Sin has been defined as rebellion against the will of God for one’s life. Yet this does not reveal whether sin is a state, an act, or a condition. Sin has been described as selfishness. Yet much more is involved in sin than is implied in the simple term selfishness. Sin has been described as an act, disposition, or state that is morally wrong. This is true as far as it goes, but it doesn’t take into account one’s relation to God. It is more a definition of evil than of sin. Sin has been defined as a breach of relations between the sinner and God. Yet more is involved in sin that is connoted by this bare declaration."
> Sin and separation from God
Isaiah 59.2 says that our sins have separated us from God. (There are other texts: Galatians 5.4, Ephesians 2.12, et al.) You're right that you are separated from God by original sin, and that Jesus redeemed it. But His redemption only becomes effective if we accept it. He offers you a free gift, but you have to take it and use it. It you don't, then you're not redeemed. It is your fault, then, because you chose to reject the path to forgiveness and the means to appropriate the redemption. If your car is broken and I offer to give you mine, if you don't take it, you're still without a car (and don't blame me for that).
> I asked because, for me, knowledge is the most important thing to build the world. Humans are always trying to find new knowledge to be able to improve the world: new ways of farming, of storing energy, of communicating,... but it takes a lot of time, effort and resources to find this new knowledge. That's why I asked, because I have always wondered why god never gave us all of it in the Bible.
History has shown us that knowledge is not taking us to utopia. The advances of science in the late 1800s, alongside the industrial revolution, were thought to be taking us to this better world. World War 1, the abuses of industrialization, and Great Depression shattered that. Science continued to advance, and led us to WW2, failed states such as the USSR, and the freedoms of the 60s and beyond (technology, conveniences at home, sexual freedom, workplace advances) have not led us to improvement but to terrorism, fear, escalating drug addictions, increasing levels of depression, higher divorce rates, etc.
Knowledge has shown itself to be unable to take us where we are all hoping to God. Only God alone can take us to the place of morality, peace, truth, wisdom, and justice. What God gave us in the Bible is the path to him, which will lead us to these 5 goals.
You treat sin as if it's a social disease, not a spiritual one. The Bible uses a lot of different terms to talk about sin. Some focus on its causes, others on its nature, and still others on its consequences.
- Error
- Missing the mark
- irreligion
- transgression
- iniquity; lack of integrity
- rebellion
- treachery
- perversion
- abomination
- evil or badness
- trouble
Sin is rebellion against God and a denying of the truth, including moral perversion, as well as social irresponsibility in not taking care of one another with food, clothing, health care, etc. William Stevens says, "Various definitions of sin have been set forth. One is that sin is non-conformity to the moral law of God. Yet sin goes much deeper than God’s law, for it goes back to our relationship with a personal God. Sin has been defined as rebellion against the will of God for one’s life. Yet this does not reveal whether sin is a state, an act, or a condition. Sin has been described as selfishness. Yet much more is involved in sin than is implied in the simple term selfishness. Sin has been described as an act, disposition, or state that is morally wrong. This is true as far as it goes, but it doesn’t take into account one’s relation to God. It is more a definition of evil than of sin. Sin has been defined as a breach of relations between the sinner and God. Yet more is involved in sin that is connoted by this bare declaration."
> Sin and separation from God
Isaiah 59.2 says that our sins have separated us from God. (There are other texts: Galatians 5.4, Ephesians 2.12, et al.) You're right that you are separated from God by original sin, and that Jesus redeemed it. But His redemption only becomes effective if we accept it. He offers you a free gift, but you have to take it and use it. It you don't, then you're not redeemed. It is your fault, then, because you chose to reject the path to forgiveness and the means to appropriate the redemption. If your car is broken and I offer to give you mine, if you don't take it, you're still without a car (and don't blame me for that).
> I asked because, for me, knowledge is the most important thing to build the world. Humans are always trying to find new knowledge to be able to improve the world: new ways of farming, of storing energy, of communicating,... but it takes a lot of time, effort and resources to find this new knowledge. That's why I asked, because I have always wondered why god never gave us all of it in the Bible.
History has shown us that knowledge is not taking us to utopia. The advances of science in the late 1800s, alongside the industrial revolution, were thought to be taking us to this better world. World War 1, the abuses of industrialization, and Great Depression shattered that. Science continued to advance, and led us to WW2, failed states such as the USSR, and the freedoms of the 60s and beyond (technology, conveniences at home, sexual freedom, workplace advances) have not led us to improvement but to terrorism, fear, escalating drug addictions, increasing levels of depression, higher divorce rates, etc.
Knowledge has shown itself to be unable to take us where we are all hoping to God. Only God alone can take us to the place of morality, peace, truth, wisdom, and justice. What God gave us in the Bible is the path to him, which will lead us to these 5 goals.