Genesis 2:21-22 - God made us from man for man

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Re: Genesis 2:21-22 - God made us from man for man

Post by jimwalton » Sun Jun 18, 2023 8:21 am

> equally important does not necessarily mean "the same," but "not the same" likewise does not mean "one is inferior to the other."

I agree. Genesis is explicit that men and women are not the same. Other Scriptures confirm this observation. And I also agree that Genesis is not putting women in an inferior position. As image of God, they are on an equal plane. As "rule and subdue," they are in it together on an equal plane." As "helpmeet," this is not a statement of inferiority, as God is often in the OT mentioned as a helper of Israel.

> Men and women have different purposes in life, and there is a hierarchy in marriage, but neither is more important to the success of a nation/people/group

I agree with this also. We just must be careful not to claim that the Bible puts women in a position of inferiority, which you are not doing.

Thanks for your comments.

Re: Genesis 2:21-22 - God made us from man for man

Post by Marrakesh » Mon Jun 15, 2020 9:46 am

Yep, equally important does not necessarily mean "the same," but "not the same" likewise does not mean "one is inferior to the other."

Men and women have different purposes in life, and there is a hierarchy in marriage, but neither is more important to the success of a nation/people/group

Re: Genesis 2:21-22 - God made us from man for man

Post by jimwalton » Sun Jun 14, 2020 1:59 pm

Nah, I'm not a feminist. Don't try to deprecate the argument with a label. What I care about is biblical accuracy. Adam's "sleep" was not like anaesthesia; instead, it's a word that speaks of a vision. "Rib," despite the way we translate it, is not an anatomical word. It is never used in the OT of any part of anatomy. What's happening here is not the material manufacture of woman, but a vision for Adam of what she really is: a kinship being of equal status (image of God, Gn. 1.26), made of the same stuff he is (bone of his bones, flesh of his flesh), who is there to serve in God's world alongside him (Gn. 2.15) as his complement (Gn. 2.18). Both are special creatures in God's creation, designed to rule and subdue the Earth together (Gn. 1.28).

Re: Genesis 2:21-22 - God made us from man for man

Post by Blue Jay » Sun Jun 14, 2020 1:58 pm

Sounds very feminist.

Re: Genesis 2:21-22 - God made us from man for man

Post by jimwalton » Sun Jun 14, 2020 1:48 pm

The term for "rib" in Gn. 2.21 is not an anatomical term, but more of an architectural one (like the wing of a building or the side of a building or room). The ancients knew nothing about surgery; they are not claiming that God sedated Adam and removed a rib to generate Eve. Instead, what the text is saying is that Eve is made of the same "stuff" as Adam (bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh). She is made of the same basic materials as he is; she is a genetic and biological human being as he is (though they knew nothing about biology or genetics. In other words, she is completely and distinctly human, as he is. She is his counter-partner, his equal. The emphasis is on their relatedness and the unity of humanity.

So we are not to think that God is taking a chunk of Adam and making a woman. Instead, it is telling us they are separate, unique beings, but she is not inferior. Instead, she is just as much in the image of God (1.26), just as much human (2.23), and just as much his equal (2.18).

One of the terms united in "counter partner" (helpmeet) is often used in the OT to describe how God is the helper of Israel. It's not a term of inferiority or subservience, but instead one of relational involvement and benefit.

Genesis 2:21-22 - God made us from man for man

Post by Blue Jay » Sun Jun 14, 2020 1:46 pm

Genesis 2:21-22 - God made us from man for man

21 And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof;
22 And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man

As a firm bible believing woman I know that God created us for a purpose and there is no shame in fulfilling it. God created Adam from the dust of the earth and then he created Eve from Adam. Therefore, we were made for men.

Because of al the noise mainstream society creates it's hard for some women to accept that our mission in life is to be supportive of men and to bear children. God has crafted for us magnificent bodies that are beautiful to look at, soft to touch and can both birth new living souls and provide them with milk. Why any woman would feel that she's somehow less than a man is insane.

Men have a job and it's to take all the risks in order to move the world forward. Women we're what keeps men focused on what they have to do. Men protect and provide for us while we give them offspring.

Does anyone care to add to this or argue otherwise?
