by jimwalton » Wed Oct 28, 2020 6:12 pm
You may know that interpretations of Revelation splatter all over the map. It depends to whom you talk. Generally speaking, prophecy is much easier to interpret after the event than before it

But that doesn't mean it's totally out of reach. It's easy to see it's about death and judgment (of the wicked), the death and eventual vindication (of the righteous) in contrast, the saints in a position of protection (under the altar) and the wicked in a position of fear (under the mountains).
Revelation chapters 6 & 7 answers the question, "Who is worthy to join in the worship of God and the Lamb?" We discover it's the martyrs (those who had been slain because of the word of God and the testimony they maintained), those who are sealed (the symbolic 144K), and all those wearing the white robes of salvation (7.9). So we at least have an overview.
The imagery is taken and adapted from the angelic horsemen sent by God who patrol the Earth (Zech. 1.8-11; 6.1-8), though this author (John) uses those horsemen differently. (Some scholars suggest that the horsemen portray angels of judgment, others symbols of Christ coming in judgment, and still others simply symbols for judgments in general—but they are all images of judgment, and that's the point we have to hang on to.)
- The first horse (1st seal) is clearly war, conquest, and victory.
- The second horse (2nd seal) is war and bloodshed, seemingly a step up from horse #1. Here we have civil war, populations involved (not just military), and much death. Fierce, devastating, and widespread (even global) war.
- The third horse (3rd seal) is obviously pandemic, famine, and economic collapse.
- The fourth horse (4th seal) is death and terror. Judgment by death over a staggeringly large population of the Earth.
- The 5th seal breaks the pattens of the horses, and may be a key to the whole chapter. God's people are living sacrifices, holy and acceptable to God. Their deaths are not a sign of God's weakness or His lack of care or protection, but rather part of the plan. The gift of the white robe recognizes the injustice that was allowed, and it reminds them that they have gained heaven and left all that behind. God will deal with the situation; they need not concern themselves with it.
- The 6th seal is natural disasters, which may be symbolic of spiritual upheaval. I think it's both. It's a great statement of world judgment because of sin.
- The 7th seal is God symbolically protecting His own. They may experience horrible things and even death, but they will not experience God's judgment.
This brief outline probably raises as many questions as it answers. Let's talk some more.
You may know that interpretations of Revelation splatter all over the map. It depends to whom you talk. Generally speaking, prophecy is much easier to interpret after the event than before it :)
But that doesn't mean it's totally out of reach. It's easy to see it's about death and judgment (of the wicked), the death and eventual vindication (of the righteous) in contrast, the saints in a position of protection (under the altar) and the wicked in a position of fear (under the mountains).
Revelation chapters 6 & 7 answers the question, "Who is worthy to join in the worship of God and the Lamb?" We discover it's the martyrs (those who had been slain because of the word of God and the testimony they maintained), those who are sealed (the symbolic 144K), and all those wearing the white robes of salvation (7.9). So we at least have an overview.
The imagery is taken and adapted from the angelic horsemen sent by God who patrol the Earth (Zech. 1.8-11; 6.1-8), though this author (John) uses those horsemen differently. (Some scholars suggest that the horsemen portray angels of judgment, others symbols of Christ coming in judgment, and still others simply symbols for judgments in general—but they are all images of judgment, and that's the point we have to hang on to.)
[list][*] The first horse (1st seal) is clearly war, conquest, and victory.
[*] The second horse (2nd seal) is war and bloodshed, seemingly a step up from horse #1. Here we have civil war, populations involved (not just military), and much death. Fierce, devastating, and widespread (even global) war.
[*] The third horse (3rd seal) is obviously pandemic, famine, and economic collapse.
[*] The fourth horse (4th seal) is death and terror. Judgment by death over a staggeringly large population of the Earth.
[*] The 5th seal breaks the pattens of the horses, and may be a key to the whole chapter. God's people are living sacrifices, holy and acceptable to God. Their deaths are not a sign of God's weakness or His lack of care or protection, but rather part of the plan. The gift of the white robe recognizes the injustice that was allowed, and it reminds them that they have gained heaven and left all that behind. God will deal with the situation; they need not concern themselves with it.
[*] The 6th seal is natural disasters, which may be symbolic of spiritual upheaval. I think it's both. It's a great statement of world judgment because of sin.
[*] The 7th seal is God symbolically protecting His own. They may experience horrible things and even death, but they will not experience God's judgment.[/list]
This brief outline probably raises as many questions as it answers. Let's talk some more.