by jimwalton » Wed Jan 04, 2017 1:47 pm
Well, don't hold back on showing your biases. You are misunderstanding on every count.
1. God is not powerless by any stretch. According to the Bible, however, God exercises his power by choice. It's not as if God's power is turned on full stream all the time and he has no control over it, cannot temper its use, and its runs rampant over all things. On the one hand, God has given to us the responsibility to feed the hunger and bring justice to the world through moral governmental systems and policies. On another front, however, there are occasions where God raises up a particular governing official or deposes one (Daniel 2.21). That's not to claim that he always uses this power, or that every governing official is in office because God put him or her there, but he can and does use his power in such ways. To jump to the conclusion that God is powerless is an irresponsible jump in reasoning and an abrogation of logical sequence.
As far as hurricanes and droughts, that's a completely different issue and question altogether. I don't know why you bring it up in this conversation. God has created a dynamic world because of its benefits. A dynamic world is better than a static one. Hurricanes or droughts are part of the cycles of natures, the balance of nature, and natural measures that maintain equilibrium in our environment. Earthquakes and volcanoes relieve pressure. Because our minds are dynamic they can actually generate new thought patterns where there is brain injury or where creative problems cause us to rethink things. Our bodies can actually create new blood flow patterns where needed to bypass obstacles. These are only possible because the world is dynamic, not static. Free will is also a dynamic principle. Quantum mechanics shows us infinite possibilities of undetermined paths. This results in a far more sensible and wonderful world than one of static determinism and robotic interactions. But it also produces the possibility of things gone wrong (cancer) and of evil choices (rape and torture). All in all, a dynamic world is a far superior existence, and actually allows things like science, reason, logic, healing, free will, love, and a thousand other things that could not exist in a static world. As long as the existence of good far outweighs evil in the universe, it is possible for God to be all-loving and all-good and still allow the existence of suffering and evil, for many more reasons than I have described here. The only other choices strip us of our humanity and make our brains into meaningless robotic mush.
God is actually, by logic, a caring, reasoning, and intelligent providential sovereign, not a powerless, apathetic slacker.
Well, don't hold back on showing your biases. You are misunderstanding on every count.
1. God is not powerless by any stretch. According to the Bible, however, God exercises his power by choice. It's not as if God's power is turned on full stream all the time and he has no control over it, cannot temper its use, and its runs rampant over all things. On the one hand, God has given to us the responsibility to feed the hunger and bring justice to the world through moral governmental systems and policies. On another front, however, there are occasions where God raises up a particular governing official or deposes one (Daniel 2.21). That's not to claim that he always uses this power, or that every governing official is in office because God put him or her there, but he can and does use his power in such ways. To jump to the conclusion that God is powerless is an irresponsible jump in reasoning and an abrogation of logical sequence.
As far as hurricanes and droughts, that's a completely different issue and question altogether. I don't know why you bring it up in this conversation. God has created a dynamic world because of its benefits. A dynamic world is better than a static one. Hurricanes or droughts are part of the cycles of natures, the balance of nature, and natural measures that maintain equilibrium in our environment. Earthquakes and volcanoes relieve pressure. Because our minds are dynamic they can actually generate new thought patterns where there is brain injury or where creative problems cause us to rethink things. Our bodies can actually create new blood flow patterns where needed to bypass obstacles. These are only possible because the world is dynamic, not static. Free will is also a dynamic principle. Quantum mechanics shows us infinite possibilities of undetermined paths. This results in a far more sensible and wonderful world than one of static determinism and robotic interactions. But it also produces the possibility of things gone wrong (cancer) and of evil choices (rape and torture). All in all, a dynamic world is a far superior existence, and actually allows things like science, reason, logic, healing, free will, love, and a thousand other things that could not exist in a static world. As long as the existence of good far outweighs evil in the universe, it is possible for God to be all-loving and all-good and still allow the existence of suffering and evil, for many more reasons than I have described here. The only other choices strip us of our humanity and make our brains into meaningless robotic mush.
God is actually, by logic, a caring, reasoning, and intelligent providential sovereign, not a powerless, apathetic slacker.