What should a Christian be tolerant of?

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Re: What should a Christian be tolerant of?

Post by jimwalton » Tue Oct 20, 2015 3:39 am

The only time I'm aware that Jesus called people out on their sins was in his conversations with the religious leaders. Other than that, he was often in the middle of swarms of "sinners" and never breathed a word except to urge them that the kingdom of God was at hand, and they should repent and believe the gospel.

This is not to claim he was tolerant of sin, but he came to seek and to save, not to judge. I believe our commission is the same. Lk. 15.7: Seek the lost sheep. 1 Cor. 9.22: become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some. Acts 1.8: Be his witnesses to the uttermost parts. Mt. 6.1ff. (also 1 Cor. 5.12): Don't judge. It's not your place.

That requires a great deal of restraint and compassion on our part, as well as tolerance. The kingdom doesn't advance by barbed words, but by the Spirit and in truth.

If we follow Christ's example, what we should be least tolerant of is Christian hypocrisy, "Christian" hatred, and "Christian" unchristlikeness.

What should a Christian be tolerant of?

Post by Billy the Kidd » Sun Jul 19, 2015 12:16 pm

Were you upset about the Arthur Ashe Courage Award ceremony with even 2 commercials promoting a sinful change of lifestyle? Were Jesus Christ and Apostle Paul ever tolerant of sins? What should a Christian be tolerant of, and what should he or she not be tolerant of?
