by jimwalton » Sat Oct 10, 2020 2:55 pm
Initially, the primary socializer would have been the parent and village, as is speculated in all prehistoric social contexts, assuming that Adam & Eve may have been around 6,000-8,000 BC. But when God chose them out from among the others (Gn. 2.15) to reveal Himself to them as archetypes of all humanity, God would have added his input to what they were already receiving from their social context. Adam and Eve didn't live in the Garden of Eden, but only met with God there. They still lived, presumably, with their community/village.
Initially, the primary socializer would have been the parent and village, as is speculated in all prehistoric social contexts, assuming that Adam & Eve may have been around 6,000-8,000 BC. But when God chose them out from among the others (Gn. 2.15) to reveal Himself to them as archetypes of all humanity, God would have added his input to what they were already receiving from their social context. Adam and Eve didn't live in the Garden of Eden, but only met with God there. They still lived, presumably, with their community/village.