Archangel (s)?

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Re: Archangel (s)?

Post by jimwalton » Sun Oct 04, 2020 5:40 pm

The Bible only ever mentions 1 archangel. Its name is Michael. (We're not aware that archangels, or angels, have gender, so I used "its".)

It appears in the Bible only a few times: Dan. 10.13, 21; 12.1; 1 Thes. 4.16; Jude 1.9; Rev. 12.7. That's it. We are told almost nothing about archangels.

What does it do? It seems to be a guardian over Israel, battling for Israel in the spiritual realm (Dan. 10.13). In 1 Thes. it is the agent God uses to signal Christ's return and the final spiritual battle, and therefore possibly a guardian over Christians in the spiritual realm. In Jude, Michael is doing battle for the body of Moses. In Revelation, Michael is fighting against "the dragon."

So I think we can conclude an archangel is a warrior who fights on behalf of God's people in the spiritual realm. That's about all we know from the Bible. Of course there are many traditions (the book of Enoch, Jewish literature) making up stuff about archangels, even adding archangels and naming them, but that's all unauthorized speculation, as far as actual Bible study is concerned.

Archangel (s)?

Post by Garbage » Thu Sep 03, 2020 3:26 pm

To start, I'm going to be completely clear and say I have no religion and have not studied scripture. I am asking out of curiosity and the hope to learn.

So, I am currently writing a story loosely based on the bible and how they handle afterlife. And, currently, I need some knowledge on the Archangels.

Are there 3? 7? 6? I get many answers from all over the place, and want the best representation for Archangels specifically.

And, if possible, I would like their names with a short description of how they act (verses might be the best here).

Thank you, and I appreciate the time you have put into reading this.
