What must I do to be saved?

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Re: What must I do to be saved?

Post by jimwalton » Wed Mar 30, 2016 7:37 pm

Now that sounds like an interesting conversation to me. I’d be glad to have that talk. What are your questions? What "contradictions" would you like to talk about?

Re: What must I do to be saved?

Post by Head William » Sun Mar 20, 2016 2:35 pm

I'm interested in all the contradictions in the bible; I'm interested in the way so called Christians answer these contradictions. I'm interested in the lives that these so called Christians live, because little or no love is forth coming from them. These same so-called Christians tell me I would need to change—turn or burn type attitude—and yet these same Christians live lives that are so contradictory, hence my interest in the 33,000 different Christian groups that say they have it right, and yet they claim to follow the one God Jesus. AMAZING

Maybe I will share some contradictions, as long as I get heart answers. I don't want topically theoretically, dispensational, millennial-type answers. I want answers that a child can understand, no offense given but you, those terms, terms that a child would never understand, answers have to be child like. That's what bible suggests. Answers must be love, for God IS love. The bible should be a base of child like love. If you can answer in love-type childlike ways, no big college words, then we can share. If not, sharing is impossible.

Re: What must I do to be saved?

Post by jimwalton » Fri Mar 18, 2016 12:35 pm

Suppose there was a military operation, and the sergeant said, “I need a volunteer for a very dangerous mission.” A gent steps forward and says, “I go.” The Sergeant says, “I’ll be sending you into enemy territory, and you will probably die accomplishing your mission.” The soldier says, “I’ll do it, sir. It needs to be done.”

Did the officer send him, or did the soldier go willingly? It was both. The Father sent the Son, and the Son volunteered. There’s justice in because it was done willingly and with the motive of love.

Your interest in the Bible and religion is intriguing, since you’re not favorably receptive to religionists. Why the “interest” if there is no “interest”?

Re: What must I do to be saved?

Post by Head William » Fri Mar 18, 2016 12:35 pm

I see God the Father pulled the trigger and Jesus took the bullet. does not add it .
I see , so you believe the same stuff as these religionists do here in Ireland

Re: What must I do to be saved?

Post by jimwalton » Fri Mar 18, 2016 12:32 pm

Oh, but you misunderstand. The Son did it willingly. The Father didn’t beat up his Son for you; the Son gave himself for you, as an act of love. Like a father who runs into traffic to save his child, or a mother who goes into a burning house to save her child. That’s what God did for you. He took the bullet for you, because he loved you enough to do that.

Re: What must I do to be saved?

Post by Head William » Fri Mar 18, 2016 12:31 pm

I see , so you believe the same stuff as these religionists do here in Ireland. that's not good as there is no justice in that god the father beat up his own son for me , cant be right that's what anselm taught that's crap if you would only think about that , if you beat up your son you would be in jail tomorrow , no that's not correct doctrine at all., so we didn't die after all,.. not correct

Re: What must I do to be saved?

Post by jimwalton » Fri Mar 18, 2016 12:28 pm

Yes, that’s what that means. You are the one who sinned and who deserves to die. Christ took your punishment for you, in your place, and died instead of you so that you could go free, should you so choose. The gift has been offered, you must receive it.

Re: What must I do to be saved?

Post by Head William » Fri Mar 18, 2016 12:27 pm

I'm going to guess you believe in substitutionary atonement. Did Christ die in my place intead of me, sort of Anselm theory (he was arch bishop of Canterbury). is that what substitution means. died in my place intead of me?

Re: What must I do to be saved?

Post by jimwalton » Thu Mar 17, 2016 3:02 pm

Good to hear from you again. Also glad to hear there are so many churches in Ireland. Over here we keep hearing that Christianity is very small in Europe and also England, Ireland, and Scotland. The churches probably all teach turn or burn because it’s the message of the Bible. They are trying to be true to the Word. They shouldn’t be judgmental, though. Jesus tells us not to be (Matthew 7.1-6). And as for boring, church isn’t supposed to be entertaining; it’s supposed to be worship. You go because it’s true, not because it’s fun.

You want to talk about turn or burn. What’s my belief? We were created to have a relationship with God. With God there is life, truth, grace, forgiveness, and love. But not everyone wants to have a relationship with God. Some don’t even believe he exists, despite the evidence. God doesn’t force us to love him — it wouldn’t be love if he did, either him loving us or us loving him. Some people want nothing to do with him, and they choose to separate from him. He will not stop them. Others are openly rebellious and defiant. For them there will be judgment, as any good judge punishes the defiant and rebellious. For those who take a stand as his enemies, he will treat them as such.

I don’t believe that hell is literal fire, because the Bible speaks of degrees of punishment (not levels of hell, as in Dante), but lesser punishments for lesser sin, and more severe punishment for more severe crimes against him. I believe that hell is separation from God, meaning absence of truth, grace, forgiveness, and love. C.S. Lewis, in his short book “The Great Divorce,” speaks of hell as like dismal human existence, where things don’t work right, people are nasty to each other, friendships are brittle, and existence is miserable — void of truth, grace, forgiveness, peace, love, etc.

It’s as if all of us humans are walking towards the end of life. At the end of life there are two doors, one that is marked “Eternity with God” and the other marked “Suit yourself.” Jesus stands at the door marked for God, continually inviting anybody who wants to enter there. But he can’t force anyone. He can express his love, his willingness to forgive, and his desire that you come. But each must make their own choice. For those who choose against him, they choose their fate and eternal destiny, such as it may be based on their lives. For those who are his enemies, he judges them according to their lives. For any and all who will come to him, he accepts them into relationship with himself. That’s what I think. How about yourself?

Re: What must I do to be saved?

Post by Head William » Thu Mar 17, 2016 2:50 pm

In Ireland there are 2000 different type church's, mainly catholic, free Presbyterian, anna Baptist. brethren, Pentecostal, quakers shakers and many more individual house groups, menonite type.,Cof England Cof Ireland. Church of Scotland. you name it we got it. They are all very religious judgemental and boring. They all preach similar to your beliefs. Repent ask forgiveness, come while you still can etc etc , so I'm hearing from you the same type of stuff youd get from ythe shakers turn or burn. repent and become holy confess, it goes on and on.

In regard to copy and paste , I think you have done some of the same copy and paste. loads of scripture etc why not just stick to one topic and share from the heart. in our own words. For example turn or burn , whats your belief , no scriptures please , just straight from the heart in your own words. you ask have you never been part of it? no ive never been part of turn or burn or confess to be holy, no.

So is it turn or burn gospel. from william

