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Government, politics, the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Amendments to the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, the Equal Access Law, and anything else that comes to mind.
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What are your thoughts on conspiracy theories?

Postby Throw Away » Fri Oct 16, 2020 9:53 am

It looks like many christians are fully on board with the Qanon movement, believe coronavirus is fake, believe new world order is imminent, etc. Many christians seem to believe that there is biblical support for some of these views. What do you think?
Throw Away

Re: What are your thoughts on conspiracy theories?

Postby jimwalton » Fri Oct 16, 2020 9:54 am

I try to be discerning. That the government lies and covers things up is obvious. But neither do I fall for everything QAnon says.

  • The Coronavirus is not fake.
  • A new world order is possible, but I don't see any of it yet. Components could be in place, but not necessarily. It's wise to be watchful and alert. It may be nothing, but it may be something.
  • A vast pedophile ring? I do believe there is a vast pedophile ring, but whether Hillary Clinton is involved has yet to be shown.
  • That George Soros is behind all the action? I believe he's behind some of it, but I can't believe he's behind all of it.
  • I do believe the Deep State is real.
  • I don't believe there is a nation-wide labyrinth of underground military tunnels through which children are trafficked.
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Re: What are your thoughts on conspiracy theories?

Postby K Pop » Fri Oct 16, 2020 9:59 am

  • the scientists are telling the truth about the seriousness of Covid.
  • I don't think a new world order is possible, and I especially don't think it'll just emerge from the shadows. I think that the sense that rich people are playing against each other and trying to sway public opinion is not unfair, but they'll never unify. Rich people got rich by being selfish, so they're not going to cooperate beyond it promoting their personal interests
  • likewise you don't need some conspiratorial ring for rich pedophiles. I can't see how keeping child pornography is much more difficult than keeping money away from the US government, and these people have proved that you don't need a vast conspiracy to do that.
  • George Soros is a person who funds social justice activism. When people get paranoid about him running a conspiracy, you should ask yourself why they don't care about the Koch Brothers more.
  • what do you mean by Deep State? Like "the government is intentionally designed to make it difficult for a small number of people to break laws internally and dictate changes without other people's approval" then yes that is true. If you mean that there's a Shadow Bureau of Tripping Up Trump that you can only be hired to from a secret internal job application site, no the Deep State doesn't exist.
K Pop

Re: What are your thoughts on conspiracy theories?

Postby jimwalton » Mon Oct 26, 2020 6:18 pm

> the scientists are telling the truth about the seriousness of Covid.

I said that Covid is real, not fake. Possibly you misunderstood what I wrote.

> I don't think a new world order is possible

I appreciate your opinion, but I think differently. In this climate of a global economy, a global health effort, instant global communication, and even more global politics than has ever before been a reality or even possible, I stay alert and watchful to what's happening.

> Rich people got rich by being selfish

Undeniably true, but they also love power, and if by their cooperation they can increase both their wealth and power, I wouldn't put it past them to pursue that end.

> likewise you don't need some conspiratorial ring for rich pedophiles.

You don't need it, but it could be helpful if you're trying to get rich or gain influence through pedophilia.

> George Soros is a person who funds social justice activism

Soros is funding liberal and leftist causes, not just social justice activism. but I think Soros's participation is possibly overestimated (though it's hard for a plebeian such as myself to really know), and I think there are far more participants in the effort to promote leftist ideology than just Soros.

> what do you mean by Deep State?

By "Deep State" I mean a deeply entrenched governmental aggregation of people devoted to leftist and liberal ideology who work to obstruct and also actively resist efforts of conservatism.

Last bumped by Anonymous on Mon Oct 26, 2020 6:18 pm.
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