by The Moonster » Wed Jan 25, 2017 4:11 pm
No. Most other countries, even non-monoculture ones such as Canada and New Zealand have significantly stricter immigration enforcement than we do. Beyond that, we have had an issue with a willingness to enforce the laws we do have. Clearly, something needed to change. A nation without borders is no nation at all. At this moment, our largest issue is the southern border with Mexico. Mexico is largely in a shambles right now. They aren't quite to "failed state" levels of problems, but are very, very close. We have a several-thousand-mile-long border with this troubled country and our border enforcement efforts have been minimal at best. Illicit drugs stream across the border, Human trafficking streams across the border, and criminals of all stripes stream across the border. Even International terrorists are coming across the border. Yet America's leaders have lain supine, proclaiming that "nothing can be done" while they reap the benefits of the illicit human trade in the form of illegal votes (Democrats) and illegal low-wage labor (Republicans). It must stop or poverty, job loss, escalating crime and violence will spiral out of control and turn America into a war zone. We the People have had enough, so we elected someone to Do Something about it, namely, wall off the southern border and enforce immigration law. Those who claim this is "xenophobia" or "racism" either speak from ignorance, blind ideology, or have something to gain from continuing the status quo. Ignorance is understandable. It's a reasonably complex subject and not everyone has the time to fully educate themselves. Blind Ideology is less understandable, as it indicates a closed mind. However even the blind can have their eyes opened, and many in recent years have done just that. It's this last group—those with something to gain—that we have to really worry about. These people are dangerous. They KNOW the destruction that they are creating, and they don't care, because they want it to happen.And that's the really frightening thing: That there are some Americans who are actively working towards the destruction of the country. Terrifying. (Sorry for the wall of text.)