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Did Satan rebel before or after Adam and Eve?

Postby Regnus Numis » Thu Oct 26, 2017 4:30 pm

Did Satan rebel before or after the creation of Adam and Eve? I'm trying to decipher whether the creation of Adam and Eve had anything to do with Satan's motive for rebelling. In Islam, the devil rebelled because he refused to prostrate himself before Adam, so I'm curious if Satan might have rebelled because he disapproved of God's love for humankind. Perhaps Satan considered angels superior to humans and thus believed humans should be serving the angels, not the other way around. Hence, he attempted to overthrow God to implement his new policy.
Regnus Numis

Re: Did Satan rebel before or after Adam and Eve?

Postby jimwalton » Thu Dec 14, 2017 4:49 pm

> Did Satan rebel before or after the creation of Adam and Eve?

The Bible tells us nothing about the creation of Satan, but it implies that Satan, as well as the cherubim (Gn. 3.24, and presumably other angelic orders) were around before Adam and Eve were. Ultimately we don't know because the Bible doesn't say.

> I'm trying to decipher whether the creation of Adam and Eve had anything to do with Satan's motive for rebelling.

It's an interesting question, but I don't think we've been given much information to answer it. I would guess, however, as I stated, that Satan and the other angelic orders (cherubim, seraphim, archangels, angels, etc.) were created before humanity.

> I'm curious if Satan might have rebelled because he disapproved of God's love for humankind.

There is absolutely no suggestion like this in the Bible. It's not a thought even hinted at.

> Perhaps Satan considered angels superior to humans and thus believed humans should be serving the angels, not the other way around.

Again, you're shooting blind. We are given no information to assess this hypothesis. All we can say is that nothing of the sort is taught in Christianity.

> he attempted to overthrow God to implement his new policy.

No such teaching is made anywhere in the Bible, so we just can't go with our own fabricated theories, even if they might make sense to us. We can't create doctrines from silence.

Last bumped by Anonymous on Thu Dec 14, 2017 4:49 pm.
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