by jimwalton » Wed Oct 02, 2019 5:05 am
The devil doesn't/can't have children. But maybe you're thinking metaphorically—either evil people (which there certainly are) or the anti-Christ mentioned in the Bible?
Let's talk about a few things. Sure, some people are evil ("so called "children of the devil"). At any time he or she chooses to repent from their evil and turn (it has happened many times), and they refuse to continue in their evil. In that case they can be forgiven and set a new course in life. That would be the first possibility.
Second, if you're talking about the anti-Christ of the End Times (Rev. 13), it may be an individual and it may be a corporate entity, such as world philosophy such as secularism, a political power, or a false religious system, to name a few possibilities. If it's a system, then it can't "choose" to be evil. If it's a godless philosophy, such as secularism, secularism can't redefine itself as believing in God. It's a contradiction. So also with a false religion. If it's an individual, the prophecies state, among other things, that this individual will *not* just refuse to be evil. He or she will be committed to it.
I hope that helps. Feel free to ask more.
Last bumped by Anonymous on Wed Oct 02, 2019 5:05 am.