Board index Satan

Satan, Lucifer, demons, demon possession, and exorcism.

Re: Do demons trick people with Jesus visions?

Postby jimwalton » Fri Nov 18, 2022 6:19 pm

I have never argued that demons aren't real, or that they don't have power. What am arguing for is biblical accuracy.

From what you have written, the demons you deal with are completely different from anything we're told about in the Bible, which makes me wonder if they are demons or something else instead. In the Bible, demons are more like amoral agents of chaos. They have no connection with sin, they only tell the truth, and their effect is physical or psychological, not spiritual. I would honestly wonder if what you are dealing with is not demons but rather some other kind of nefarious spiritual being. I am fully devoted to the Word of God; if experience is different from what the Bible teaches, I'll go with the Bible every time.
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