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What power does Satan have?

Postby Tomato head » Wed Jul 07, 2021 1:54 pm

Would you say you believe Satan exists and influences life like God or do you believe he exists but has no power in this world?

Or do you just not believe he exists in general.
Tomato head

Re: What power does Satan have?

Postby jimwalton » Fri Nov 18, 2022 6:31 pm

Satan exists. The Bible does not portray him as metaphorical, but rather alive and dangerous.

He influences life, but not like God. Satan is a deceiver, but he cannot indwell as the Holy Spirit can. Satan is neither omnipresent or omniscient as God is. He certainly has power in this world, as Ephesians 2.2 shows. He is called a "prince" in many texts in the Gospels, relating that he has a modicum of power.

But we have to understand that Satan is not a power equal to God, like Yin and Yang. Compared to God, he is quite tiny in his power and also quite limited. Compared to humans, however, he is very powerful, mostly in his ability to deceive. That's where his true danger lies.

Last bumped by Anonymous on Fri Nov 18, 2022 6:31 pm.
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