Does a Creator Exist?
The universe we live in is finite. Everything about it is finite. The concept of infinity in the real world is absurd. Like if you try to imagine you have infinite hamburgers, no matter how many you imagine, it will never reach infinity. So, an infinite past is impossible. If you have an infinite past, that means every possible thing that could ever possibly happen has already happened an infinite number of times. It also necessitates that in the future, every possible thing that could ever possibly happen will happen an infinite number of times again. It's absurd. Infinity is not something you can count. It's not a number. It is a concept. A concept that is unattainable in the real world.
Also, if you have an infinite past, then it is illogical that it is now the present. Because it would take an infinite amount of time to get to where we are now, which axiomatically can't happen because infinity is unattainable. So, for an unlimited amount of time to have already taken place is ridiculous, because time is still taking place. Infinity plus 3 is illogical. It's just infinity, you can't add to or subtract from it. Also, we'd have infinity behind us as well as ahead of us. Two infinities back to back. Infinity plus infinity.
So, the universe is not infinite; not eternal. It couldn't have come from nothing because 0 + 0 as many times as you like, is still 0. It has to have come from something. Something has to have caused/created it. So a "creator(s)" exists by logical necessity.
How Many Creators?
If we say that this finite universe was created by another finite universe in a chain of universes creating each other, then we have the problem of an infinite past again. You will ask "what created the one that created us", then "what created that one", then "what created that one" an infinite amount of times. So, we have the same problem of the infinite past again. An infinite number of universes will have had to exist an infinite number of times in the past and an infinite number of universes will have to exist an infinite number of times again in the future. If you're falling forever, will you ever hit the ground? This will come up with any finite entity that might be thought to have created the universe. Even considering that projects the temporal rules that we observe within our universe onto reality outside our universe. We know from our knowledge of our universe, the universe can't be eternal. But, we have absolutely no information about what outside the universe is like. So, we must accept our temporal rules don't necessarily apply external to our universe. Therefore, it is perfectly reasonable to say an "eternal" entity could exist, external to our finite universe.
But, if something is eternal, it has to be the origin of everything else because it axiomatically precedes EVERYTHING else. So, there is literally nowhere else anything could possibly come from. Two eternal entities is absurd, because we're talking about something that existed before everything else. The start point to everything else. So, saying that there are two eternal entities is tantamount to saying that that something had two beginnings which is absurd. So, there must be one eternal originator/creator.
Must this Entity be Dependent or Independent/Self-Sufficient?
Because this entity is one and precedes everything else, it has to be independent of everything and entirely self-sufficient, because it will have existed before anything to be dependent upon.
Must this Entity be "All Powerful" or Just Powerful Enough to Create Our Universe?
Because this entity is eternal and the originator of everything else, anything that exists, only exists because the originator caused it to. So because ABSOLUTELY NOTHING exists without the originator causing it to, the originator is the only part of reality that must exist and everything else depends on it. So the originator, being the only cause of everything, can create/cause anything and do anything to what it has already created/caused because reality itself depends on the originator. This entity must have total power over everything.
Must this Entity be All Knowing?
This entity must know absolutely everything, because everything that exists comes from this entity. If the entity doesn't know something, that thing will never exist, and if the thing never exists then there is nothing to know about it.
Does This Entity Have a Will or does it Operate Randomly (Is it Alive)?
Since this entity is the eternal originator upon which reality itself depends, there is no reason it would create without a will. It would just exist and do nothing. Imagine the sun. It has no will, but it dispenses energy, light, solar flairs, etc. But, the sun is not one. Whatever the sun does is dependent on all the matter and energy within it interacting with each other. This eternal originator is only one. It can't be a ball of burning mass because even an atom is not one. It's made up of protons, neutrons, and electrons. Even protons and neutrons are not one. They're made of quarks. So, it is absurd to think this entity would or could create or do anything if it had no will. Because for something without a will to do anything, it has do it as a reaction to something else.
Is this Entity Like Anything It Creates?
This entity is totally unique in that it is eternal (preceding everything), independent, all powerful, creator/originator of everything, so it is illogical to assume it is like anything it creates since it is fundamentally unlike anything.
Everything living on earth is built functionally. Humans have ears to pick up vibrations in the air, hands to grab things, noses to smell things and breath oxygen, mouths to eat food and send vibrations in the air to communicate, etc. Every one of those traits comes with several things we are dependent on. It is ridiculous to think the independent originator of everything would have ears for picking up vibrations in the air or a mouth to eat food. He precedes air and food and every other thing in existence.
Can this Entity Procreate?
There is only one, eternal originator that is the creator of everything, therefore it is absurd to say it could procreate in any way. The entity is, by logical necessity, one and always one.
The creator must be alive/have a will
The creator must be one
The creator must be eternal
The creator cannot ever procreate
The creator must be unlike its creation
The creator must be the creator of everything that exists
The creator must be all powerful
The creator must be all knowing
The creator must be that which everything else depends on
The creator must be totally independent/self-sufficient
How God describes Himself in the Qur'an:
Qur'an 36:82 "His command is only when He intends a thing that He says to it, "Be," and it is."
Qur'an 112:1 Say, "He is Allah, [who is] One,
Qur'an 112:2 Allah, the Eternal Refuge.
Qur'an 112:3 He neither begets nor is born,
Qur'an 112:4 Nor is there to Him any equivalent."
Qur'an 13:16 ...Say, " Allah is the Creator of all things, and He is the One, the Prevailing.
Qur'an 54:55 ...Sovereign, Perfect in Ability.
Qur'an 10:65 ...He is the All-Hearing, All*-Knowin*g.
Qur'an 2:255 Allah - there is no deity except Him, the Ever-Living, the Sustainer of [all] existence....
Qur'an 29:6 And whoever strives only strives for [the benefit of] himself. Indeed, Allah is free from need of the worlds.