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Discussions and questions pertaining to Christmas: when and where was Jesus born? The Shepherds, the Wise men, the descent into Egypt, the star, the manger, and the Virgin Birth. Let's talk.

How did the disciples find out about the virgin birth?

Postby Cicada » Tue Jun 30, 2020 11:53 am

How did the Disciples learn that Jesus came from a virgin birth?

The gospels are all written by a disciple but they wouldn't have any direct knowledge of this. Where did this information (and the rest of the story of the birth of Jesus) come from? Did Jesus tell them directly and they wrote it down later or do we not know?

Re: How did the disciples find out about the virgin birth?

Postby jimwalton » Mon Oct 26, 2020 6:02 pm

Mary, Jesus's mama, knew the disciples (Acts 1.13-14). That's how Matthew would know about it. Luke did thorough research (Lk. 1.1-4), and it is presumed that he interviewed Mary (Lk. 1.5-2.52 are written in a different style and vocabulary).

Besides that, it's possible that some of the shepherds became believers, and we know that some of the members of Herod's household were believers (Acts 13.1; Rom. 16.11). There are numerous ways we can view that the disciples came by the information of what happened.

Last bumped by Anonymous on Mon Oct 26, 2020 6:02 pm.
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