Board index Atheism

What is atheism and what do atheists believe?

Are atheists intrinsically antagonistic to you?

Postby Chicken » Thu Aug 22, 2019 2:12 pm

Do you feel that Atheists are intrinsically antagonistic to you for your beliefs as a Christian?

Obviously people can get caught up in their identity, whether its theist in nature or not, but in terms of expression, do people on this forum feel like they have to take a side irregardless of whether or not they agree with any of the points being made by either side? For example, do you downvote or upvote a persons comment because you believe in what they are saying, or are you doing it because their flair is something you identify with?

Just something that I was wondering about, thoughts?

Re: Are atheists intrinsically antagonistic to you?

Postby jimwalton » Fri Nov 01, 2019 12:36 am

No, not intrinsically. It depends on the person. Most atheists I dialogue with are polite and respectful; only some are antagonistic, a few are hostile, and a handful are downright nasty. But that's more, I assume, because of their personality, not because they're atheists.

Obviously, atheists defend their beliefs and interpretations, just as I do. It's usually fairly good dialogue.

Last bumped by Anonymous on Fri Nov 01, 2019 12:36 am.
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