http://www.dreammoods.comJesus: To see Jesus in your dream foretells that your greatest desires and goals will be realized. This dream serves to console and strengthen you in your times of adversity, hardship and struggle. You will rise above a difficult situation or circumstance and become victorious.
Noise: To hear or make a strange noise in your dream signifies the unexpected and the unknown. You may be expressing some fear or confusion about a situation in your waking life. The noise in your dream may serve as a way to attract your attention to that issue. Alternatively, a noise represents a breakthrough into your personal struggles. Perhaps you need to be more vocal and be heard. Or perhaps you need to break through a barrier that has been holding you back.
Colors: Colors in dreams represent energy, emotions, and vibes. First consider what that single color in your dream means to you and your own personal associations and relationship with that color. In general, pale pastel colors indicate weakness or subtlety. Dark colors represent passion and intensity. Bright colors (like your bright white) mean awareness.
I have found that dreams are more us working through what's going on in our lives, not any kind of message. If I put the three together, I would guess (without knowing you or your situation at all), that you are going through some fear/confusion/hardship/struggle, and that you are starting to figure it out or come out of it.