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What does the Bible say about animals, how we are to treat them, what they are in essence, and what happens to them when they die. Are animals in Heaven?

Can animals be Christians, too?

Postby Cutie » Mon Jun 19, 2017 2:13 pm

can a cow have christian bull calves? please help me, i feel very bad.

Re: Can animals be Christians, too?

Postby jimwalton » Mon Jun 19, 2017 2:17 pm

No, they can't. The Bible doesn't say anything about animals having sinned or needing salvation. It doesn't say anything about them willfully rebelling against God or needing to be reconciled to God because of some shortcoming in themselves. As far as everything we read in the Bible, animals are outside of the sin/salvation loop.
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Re: Can animals be Christians, too?

Postby Cutie » Tue Jun 20, 2017 2:54 pm

thank you my friend but this is so sad and it makes me feel guilt. i'll never have the opportunity to see again my loved rooster who was my best friend when i was younger? i miss him so much and i dont know how to cope with the fact that when i get to paradise i wouldnt be able to be with him

Re: Can animals be Christians, too?

Postby jimwalton » Sat Aug 12, 2017 2:41 am

Don't be so sad, or feel guilty. Just because animals are not part of the sin/salvation loop is not an assessment that they won't be in heaven. We have no idea if they will be or not.

1. There is a ton of imagery in the Bible that speaks of animals in heaven: lions, lambs, horses, etc. Granted, it's imagery, but can we say with certainty that there WON'T be animals there? Not at all.

2. There were animals in the Garden of Eden (Gen. 2.19-20), and heaven, as portrayed in Revelation, is a lot like the Garden of Eden. We have every reason to expect that animals will be around in the afterlife.

Your question is: But will it be MY animal? That's impossible to say because the Bible doesn't give us a clue about it. But, frankly, we strive for heaven because of our intense love for Jesus. He is the reason for the place, just so we keep our ducks in order.

Last bumped by Anonymous on Sat Aug 12, 2017 2:41 am.
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