You got me. I really don't care that much. This is exhausting.
The torah prescribes commandments, that god commanded to follow. These are valid statements regardless of wheher or not got exists. If God says "Tie your shoes so they don't fall off your feet", this sound advice regardless of who says it. If Satan says "Tie your shoes so they don't fall off your feet", this is still sound advice and isn't bad just because Satan says it.
My point is just that the commandments prescribed by God existed and were militantly followed by the Jewish and Christian societies that worshiped god. These were able to create a sound, solid, functional and stable society not because of magic or divine intervenstion, but because the commandments are just sound, practical, and incredibly beneficial laws for a society. It was these benefits from actually following the commandments that allowed society to become so great, powerful, and stable.
This is why I respect the commandments. If Satan had given the 613 commandments, I would respect them just as much. None of this is about religion, superstition, mysticism, spirituality, any of that other stuff.
This is only me trying to defend the Commandments, because these are simple, sound, statements of quality advice, no different from "Tie your shoes or else they will fall off". They are legitimate commandments regardless of who says them, and they are legitimate because they are legitimate by objective and secular means. They are legitimate because they actually produce a sound, stable, and functional society without any sort of divine intervention or magic from God, Jesus, or anyone else.
That's my main point here. You really love Jesus, for whatever reason. I get it.
My point about Jesus being a criminal. Regarldess of whatever anyone said about the matter. Jesus was publically executed by the law, the Romans. This means he was either a criminal or this was just a public lynching. I don't really care one way or the other.
My problem with Jesus is his followers tend to disregard a large number of the commandments. Again, this is not a spiritual argument. They disregard the commandments, allegorically, they don't tie their shoes. They don't die their shoes so they trip, stumble and fall needlessly. That's the major issue. The forgiveness of Jesus isn't going to change whether or not your shoes are tied. Jesus isn't going to fly out of heaven and come perform divine intervention just so you don't trip and fall because your shoes are untied.
The issue is that people have abandoned the commandments and society stumbles on account of this, society suffers because they've abandoned the traditional morality that once allowed for the creation of a stable and functional society. That's it.
As for the point about the Canaanites. Really? I mean the bible explicitly says "This law about offering peace does not apply to the Canaanites."
Deut 20:15 : This is how you are to treat all the cities that are at a distance from you and do not belong to the nations nearby.
This offering of peace only applies to "cities that are at a distance", and do not belong to the nations nearby (the Canaanites)
Deut 20: 16-18: However, in the cities of the nations the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance, do not leave alive anything that breathes. 17 Completely destroy[a] them—the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites—as the Lord your God has commanded you. 18 Otherwise, they will teach you to follow all the detestable things they do in worshiping their gods, and you will sin against the Lord your God.
"do not leave alive anything that breathes" - Men, women, children, animals. Everything related to the Canaanites is to be killed.
"they will teach you to follow all the detestable things they do in worshiping their gods, and you will sin against the Lord your God."
This is exactly what happened in the West, we now tolerate all of the practices of the Canaanites, and our societies are rife with godlessness and sin. Chief practices being Sodomy, ritual mixing, and human sacrifice. Which we do lots of, all 3 of these Canaanite rituals are protected by law in the USA. Regardless of whether or not people are consciously performing Canaanite ritual when they do these things, they are still doing them.
I don't really care personally, if you don't want to tie your shoes, that's your own business. At least acknowledge that God commands you not to offer peace to the Canaanites, and not to leave any thing alive that breaths which has been corrupted by the Canaanites. When you tolerate the Canaanites, you are taught to follow in their rituals, which is plainly visible today.
It's just hard for me to try and understand a Jesus based religion without any real moral code or laws. It's just Jesus forgives everyone and gives them free tickets to heaven.
It's total nonsense, objectively speaking, in a secular, legitimate, scientific manner. It doesn't serve the purpose of religion, which is to encourage social/beneficial behavior by punishing antisocial/harmful behavior, and clearly the faith in Jesus has failed to do this and instead ushered in this incredible godless vice-stricken world we live in today.
Again, not a particularly spiritual person. I just respect the bible on an objective level as a source of sound and legitimate arguments with respect to social orchestration. The corruption of Jesus, the abandonment of morality over the past century, seems to be throwing the baby out of the window and keeping the bathwater. Shameless, but again I don't particularly care. Society is not my shoe to tie.