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What we know about heaven and hell

What do we know about hell?

Postby Newbie » Sun Oct 06, 2013 8:06 pm

Me, I'm scared of my own shadow. But what do we know about hell? I'm looking for any and all sources/quotes from scripture. What happens in hell (any and all details, from quotes)? Where is hell (If location isn't given in the bible, i'll take a reputable source)?
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Re: What do we know about hell?

Postby jimwalton » Sun Oct 06, 2013 8:09 pm

I'll start with this general information, and then you can ask more as you wish.

God created hell for the devil and his angels (Mt. 25.41), not for people.

The Bible uses five main pictures to speak of hell:
1. Darkness (Mt. 8.12; Jude 13) and separation (Lk. 13.27-28; 2 Thes. 1.7-9)
2. Suffering and Remorse
* Weeping and gnashing of teeth (Mt. 8.12; 22.13; 25.30; Lk. 13.28)
* fire (Mt. 13.42, 50)
* cut to pieces (Mt. 24.51)
3. Punishment (Mt. 25.46; Rev. 14.11)
4. Fire (Jude 7; Luke 16.24)
5. Death and destruction (2 Thes. 1.7-9; Rev. 20.14)

The fire need not be a literal understanding, but a symbol (Lev. 10.2; Rev. 20.9, et al.)

Hell is separation from God. And what does that mean?

Matthew 7.23: “away from me”
Matthew 25.41: “depart from me” – loss of fellowship with Jesus
Daniel 12.3: “shame and everlasting contempt.”
Romans 2.5: Experiencing the wrath of God

There are degrees of punishment (not levels) in hell:

Mt. 11.22-24 – “more tolerable”
Mt. 23.14 – “greater condemnation”
Rev. 20.13 – “each in proportion to his works”
Lk. 10.12 – “it will be more bearable for Sodom than for that town”
Lk. 12.47-48 – beaten with few blows or more blows
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