by jimwalton » Sun Jul 05, 2020 1:37 pm
Their nakedness in the Garden of Eden was an expression of their lack of shame and fear. As soon as they had spiritual shame, they also had physical shame. It's no surprise that all reality is related, and that our physical and spiritual lives work in tandem with each other.
When God clothed them in Gn. 3.21, it shows us that God treated them with grace and provision despite their sin, and that the offer of His grace came before His act of judgment (banning them from His presence, i.e. sending them out of the Garden). In many places in the Bible, very characteristic of the ancient world, clothing someone was a very symbolic act (think kings and priests). We can even outline the story of Joseph by looking at his clothing in each piece of the narrative. Often a change of clothes accompanied a change of status—so also here. Adam & Eve were being demoted (removed from the Garden), and yet treated with kindness and grace by God, and still being clothed as if to say they were still considered God's priests (as in 2.15), despite their sin.
In heaven, there is every indication we will all be clothed. Without exception, every resident of Heaven in the book of Revelation has a white robe, symbolic of salvation, purity, and victory (Rev. 3.4, 5, 18; 4.4; 6.11; 7.9, 13-14; 19.14).