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What we know about heaven and hell

Re: How does Hell work anyway?

Postby jimwalton » Thu Jun 15, 2023 8:48 am

> But that doesn't explain why hell, an unnatural occurrence, is the natural destination for said people, a destination that god is unable to change.

It's not a "natural" destination. Heaven and hell are spiritual and physical, not just natural. Hell is not the "natural" destination for people; God created it as a destination for Satan and his ilk. But if people reject God, there is no other choice than for those people to not be with God.

> so if I die before I get married I will haven no sex in heaven.

It just may be that you are thinking wrongly about heaven. Your view is strongly based in physicality, physical drives, and physical satisfaction. It's just possible you're thinking way too small about God's presence and Heaven. God frees our minds and expands our thoughts. God is larger than the cosmos and a deeper subject.
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