by jimwalton » Mon Nov 18, 2013 3:59 pm
Great questions, and a good discussion. Thank you.
Let's start with a more correct assumption. The standard for getting into heaven is that you have a love relationship with him. God is love, and he wanted more children. So he made us, blessed us, made us co-regents (side-by-side kings and queens) with him in taking care of what he made. He created the world as his temple, so to speak, where he would make himself known to the people he made, and they would be his priests and priestesses, in fellowship with him, understanding him and in communication with him (that's was a priest was and did). But humans didn't want that, and made a choice to rebel against him and reject him and his ways. So he initiated a plan to restore the relationship.
The humans kept getting worse and worse, making terrible decisions and, frankly, ruining the world and each other. God initiated the next phase of his plan. The rebellion continued to separate oneself from God, and God continued the effort to reconcile people to himself. Those who wanted to be reconciled were freely admitted. Those who didn't weren't forced.
The world kept getting worse. God eventually wrote down his contract with people so it would be, uh, legal, so to speak. (Any contract has to be written to be legitimate.) That's what the Bible is: God's contract (covenant) with us. Here's what it says, in a nutshell: "I love you. I made you. You left me. I want you back. Anyone who wants to come back, may. I will freely accept you, and I will bless you. Anyone who doesn't want to come back doesn't have to, but apart from me, you just don't realize how unpleasant that's going to be. I know I can't force you, but please come back."
Just like our educations (grade K - college and beyond), it's progressive in understanding. God's "contract" is no different. First it was just word of mouth. Then he wrote it down. Then he sent people (prophets) to help, guide and warn. Then he sent Jesus.
The standard has always been the same: God wants a loving relationship with his people. He wants to love you, and he wants love in return. For those who chose to love him, he gives them his own nature, transforming them (even here on earth) into beings that can live with him forever. For those who chose to reject him, he lets them have their way, and eventually they will be separated from him forever where they never have to see him again. And for those who don't have a chance to know him, there will be allowances of all kinds and shapes that will make it fair.