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Why doesn't God give everyone a revelation of hell?

Postby Pierced » Mon Apr 27, 2020 4:44 pm

Why doesn't God give everyone a revelation of hell?

I've been listening to a lot of NDEs regarding hell. They are life-changing and provide extremely strong testimonies. Most people go to hell because they don't think hell is real and don't understand how horrible it is. Why doesn't God warn everyone properly with a revelation of hell in order to know what they can saved from? I'm praying for God to give me a revelation of Hell as well because my faith is weak.

Re: Why doesn't God give everyone a revelation of hell?

Postby jimwalton » Fri Nov 11, 2022 8:54 am

I don't think it makes sense that God would give every single one of us exactly the same experiences, knowledge, and visions. We each have different gifts, and the Spirit manifests Himself differently to each of us and through each of us. Some get visions of God (Isaiah), some get visions of hell (Daniel, John), some get dreams (Joseph, Daniel) some don't get any visions at all (David). God talks to some people (Moses, Daniel) and not to others (David). Some are prophets, some are worker bees. God calls some to evangelism and some to works of service. If we were all the eye, where would the sense of hearing be? We are a body together; we learn from each other. God deals with us each as He sees fit.

When I read in Scripture about the people who had visions, they were undone (Isa. 6.5; Dan. 7.15, 28; 8.27). Be careful what you wish for.

> Most people go to hell because they don't think hell is real and don't understand how horrible it is.

God has been explicit about how horrible it is. People refuse to acknowledge the truth. Visions wouldn't necessarily help; people will claim they're having bad dreams or blame it on schizophrenia.

> Why doesn't God warn everyone properly with a revelation of hell in order to know what they can saved from?

He does warn them. People hear what they want to hear and believe what they want to believe. As Jesus said, even if someone comes back from the dead they won't believe.

Remember the children of Israel who had seen God work in fantastic ways to help them escape from Egypt and then while they were in the wilderness. And yet ALL of them died for lack of faith except Joshua, Caleb, and everyone under 20. All those miracles and manifestations didn't accomplish a thing.

Remember the people who saw Jesus do one miracle after another, and yet by the time He was crucified He had only a handful of faithful followers. All of that evidence, and yet few followers. It's not the visions that make the difference, but a real conviction of heart based on acknowledging the truth.

> I'm praying for God to give me a revelation of Hell as well because my faith is weak.

I'm not convinced a vision is what you need. Instead, pursue other ways to increase your faith.

Last bumped by Anonymous on Fri Nov 11, 2022 8:54 am.
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