I was just reading a collection of literature
today about the genetic and biological sources of homosexuality. It turns out that, though there is no "gay gene," there are certainly genetic and biological factors that contribute to a person's sexuality. No one's quite ready to say that being gay is genetic, nor is gayness inherited, and yet there's more to it than environment and upbringing. One study said, "Nonheterosexuality is in part influenced by many tiny genetic effects.” It also said that these genetic variants could not reliably predict someone’s sexual orientation. “There’s really no predictive power.” There is a whole lot involved in our sexual orientation picture, but at least part of it is biological.
And yet I definitely feel for what you are writing. Our experiences growing up—and our relationships with Dad and Mom, male figures and female figures—all matter.
> why it is labeled as sin
* Lev. 18.22; 20.13: It's "detestable," which means contrary to order. But it's not called a sin.
* Romans 1.24-27: The desires of their hearts are sinful; the perverted degrading of their bodies is the result.
* 1 Timothy 1.10: homosexuality is labelled as ungodly and sinful.
In Leviticus, it seems to be contrary to order. In Romans, it's a result of futile thinking and exchanging the truth of God for a lie. In Timothy, it is identified as a rebellion against God and an expression of unholiness. We must remember that the ancients knew nothing like what is going on in our culture: People seeking lifelong same-sex relationships of love. In the ancient cultures, homosexuality was almost always sodomy rape and pederasty. That's not to say what the Bible says doesn't count. Rather, it's all in the bucket of how we're thinking through what the Bible says, what it means, and what application it's supposed to have to our lives.
> its hard to clearly mark on the same level as sin as many others that hurt others
Though we know some sins are worse than others, we're not given the ranking list. Though it's pretty obvious that murder is worse than a white lie or petty theft, we don't have a solid grasp on where homosexuality fits. If we just go by how often it's mentioned compared to other things, adultery is FAR worse, and there is going to be more heck to pay by hundreds of thousands of people for millennia of sinful adulterous heterosexual relationships than for homosexual ones, but we're not given the ranking list. We're just told that God will deal with us each appropriately.
> We often times let our sexuality define more about our lives and our relationship with others (and even with God) than we ought to.
Boy, I agree with this. There's so much emphasis now on LGBTQ, one would think it's the only factor under consideration. While sexuality is certainly an important part of life, it sure doesn't deserve the pedestal its being given in our current society.
Feel free to talk more. I'm just blabbing out thoughts.