Board index LGBT: Gays, Lesbians, Bisexual, Transgender, and Homosexuality

Let's talk about it. The Bible says some stuff, and our culture says a lot.
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Gender views question

Postby Stex » Tue Jan 22, 2019 12:52 pm

I am a late 40’s conservative Christian, my parents were born in the 1920’s so I was raised in a very old school “Leave it to Beaver “ type of environment. I have noticed over the past few years that transgender society & politics is in the news a lot. I gave read some articles that seemed to confuse me as much as make things clear. I see terms I have to look up. CIS, binary ( that’s a star or mathematical term to me). I believe in HUMAN rights for everyone, why are these broken down in subgroups ? God never intended this - according to my understanding of the Holy Bible. By subgroups I mean gay rights, marriage rights. I don’t understand, marriage according to the Holy Bible is a sacred union between (1) man & (1) woman. I asked this in a Christian sub & it was deleted because it was viewed as political- I disagree -political to me is about the parties republicans, Democrats, etc. I truly want to understand in a first person explanation sort of way. Can someone help here ? And pls don’t delete this out of hand.

Re: Gender views question

Postby jimwalton » Tue Jan 22, 2019 12:57 pm

The Bible doesn't speak about "rights" in terms of civil rights, gay rights, or marriage rights. Those terms and concepts were not in the cultural river of the biblical era. I'm not aware that anywhere in the Bible does it teach that people don't have rights, or that one's persons rights are lesser than another's. The Bible even goes out of its way to treat women with dignity that the ancient world didn't afford and to even show that slaves were to be treated as humans, not as animals or possessions.

I have read your post several times, but I'm still trying to figure out what your question is. It's true that the Bible says that marriage is a sacred union between a man and a woman. But what's your question?
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Re: Gender views question

Postby Stex » Wed Jan 23, 2019 1:50 pm

It was a purposely vague statement. My basic question is why does it seem like the “alternative lifestyle” community is seeking to get civil rights while trying to force more than mere acceptance of their choices and want approval. I’m just a “normal” Christian married man; I don’t flaunt my heterosexuality, while it seems like many in the lgbt community flaunt their lifestyle. Is it simply a matter of “the squeaky wheel gets the grease” because relatively speaking the lgbt community is a very, very small percentage of the United States’ population. With the seemingly large amount of this community on hrt or gender reassignment surgery & my view is that many of these people are young men & they realize that with these procedures they’ll be sterile ?

Sorry there, I admit that wasn’t a very concise reply.

Re: Gender views question

Postby jimwalton » Wed Jan 23, 2019 1:51 pm

OK, that helps. I can't speak for the LGBTQ+ community. My guestimation would be that they have been raised to believe that truth is what you want it to be, and relativism makes all things equal and acceptable (except the things they don't agree with, like Christianity), and so they want the lifestyle they've chosen to be as mainstream as everything/everyone else. Since you're talking to a Christian (me), I can say that they want their sin (whatever it is) to be justifiable and also justified. It's peeving, however, that they don't stop at acceptance and rights, but keep pushing to make their viewpoint the only acceptable one and ours the immoral choice (not very tolerant, if you ask me). But again, now I'm starting to sound like I'm ranting. You would really need to get the viewpoint of someone who is LGBTQ to hear their own perspective. Hearing my perspective isn't really the question you were asking.
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Re: Gender views question

Postby Stex » Wed Jan 23, 2019 3:46 pm

I appreciate your input, maybe because your opinion closely agrees with mine? I have found it not necessarily impossible, but still difficult to get an honest opinion from a member of the lgbt community. I have spoken to some who just want “understanding” and to some who did some pretty high-level Christian bashing when they found out about my being a Christian. It seemed very strange actually, almost like God/Jesus was an irritant, the mere mention of His name & the mudslinging began...

Re: Gender views question

Postby jimwalton » Tue Feb 05, 2019 3:47 am

Yeah, we have become objects of automatic derision. We are pre-judged—it's actually called prejudice, bias, and intolerance, which is ironic (and a bit hypocritical) coming from a demographic that abhors prejudice, bias, and intolerance.

Last bumped by Anonymous on Tue Feb 05, 2019 3:47 am.
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