Board index Faith and Knowledge

How do we know what we know, and what is faith all about

Re: Blind faith isn’t okay.

Postby jimwalton » Thu Oct 31, 2019 10:49 pm

Well, we're getting somewhere. My belief that Jesus is divine isn't blind faith. It's based on many evidences. I don't believe he's divine "because the Bible says so," nor "Because he is!". I don't believe Jesus is divine because I accept it by faith. No.

I believe Jesus is divine because of the evidences. There's nothing blind about it.

  • In the Bible, God almost always uses miracles to confirm that what He is saying is true. This happened in spades with Jesus. His miracles confirm his identity. (Ah, back to miracles.)
  • The evidences for the resurrection confirm Jesus's self-identification.
  • Jesus's teaching is sublime.
  • Jesus's personality (love, forgiveness, compassion, wisdom, etc.) all speak to someone who is not a normal human.
  • The OT prophecies about Jesus are fulfilled in Him
  • The experiences of billions of people of Jesus's infilling of them and changing them.
  • Jesus's superhuman knowledge
  • Jesus's superhuman power

So let's keep talking.
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