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Prayer is one of the main reasons people walk away from God in disgust and frustration. What is prayer? How does it work? Why do we pray?

Have you ever had a prayer been answered?

Postby Painter » Sun Jul 26, 2020 3:39 pm

I mean as in you asked and then you get some sort of sign.

I have had this happen to me before and it was very odd, I know most of the time most people pray and nothing happens and give up.

Re: Have you ever had a prayer been answered?

Postby jimwalton » Sun Jul 26, 2020 3:41 pm

Sure. While, as you say, plenty of prayers go unanswered, plenty of them are answered as well. Our son has a serious congenital heart defect, and we often pray for his medical care and his survival as he goes under various procedures. He has also had a stroke that could've killed him, but many people prayed and he survived. He has lived through many things that in previous years would've killed him. We attribute that to medical technology and also to the power of prayer. But there are many other instances of answered prayer. There are many frustrations when God does not answer prayers that we think are very important, but there are plenty of places when he has answered prayer and we're grateful for it.

> I know most of the time most people pray and nothing happens and give up.

Prayer is not mainly for us to get stuff from God. He's not Santa Claus or the gift fairy. Prayer is mainly the way we talk to God and tell him about our day and hash things out with him. If prayer for a person is just about getting an answer and getting what we want, someone has seriously misunderstood prayer and what a relationship with God is.
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Re: Have you ever had a prayer been answered?

Postby Painter » Sat Nov 19, 2022 9:44 am

Aw I am glad to hear this and hope he is well, Changes in technology do count as answered prayer, as they are often give the solution. I see, I think most people don't get that, I have done this too. I try and find things I am grateful for in life when praying.

Last bumped by Anonymous on Sat Nov 19, 2022 9:44 am.

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