Hi, Jim, I have a question for you: What is the best way do you think it is to be a servant God: 1) By following the teachings that humans may make up? Or 2) By following the teachings that are found in God's Word The Bible? One of the reasons why I had asked you that question is because you had mentioned some things that you believe that supports the Trinity doctrine.
For example:
1) You had said this: "John 1:1 says Jesus was with God and that Jesus was God."
QUESTIONS: A) Since this scripture said that Jesus was with God, then doesn't that mean that Jesus and the Almighty God are two separate individuals, just like if you are with someone, you are with a different individual from whom you are with?
B) Isn't this scripture totally accurate, by saying that Jesus Christ is a God, due to the fact that in God's Word The Bible it let's us know that there are many that are called gods as brought out 1 Corinthians 8:5?
In fact, even Satan the devil is considered as the God of this world, as brought out in the Bible book of 2 Corinthians 4:4: "Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don’t believe. They are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News. They don’t understand this message about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God."(New Living Translation).
But when we look at John 1:1, it never says that Jesus Christ is the Almighty God, which is a big difference.
2) You had also said this: "In John 10.30, Jesus says that He and the Father are one essence."
QUESTIONS: Don't people who play with teammates act as "one" in order for them to win a game? Don't people who plays in a musical band, has to play as "one", in order for them to be a successful music band? When a man and a woman gets married, isn't the married couple considered as "one"?
As you can see with these real life examples, by Jesus Christ saying that him and his Father are one, it is meant by him and his Father having the same goals and desires to do the same thing, just like what a musical band, teammates, would have the same goals and desires to achieve something, in order for them to succeed together.
But let us first look at the preceding verse in John 10:29: "for my Father has given them to me, and he is more powerful than anyone else, so no one can kidnap them from me.""(Living Bible)
QUESTIONS: Didn't Jesus Christ make it clear that he was separate from his Father, because his Father is more powerful than anyone else? If Jesus Christ was the same as the Almighty God, then wouldn't Jesus Christ be guilty of lying by saying that he is more powerful than anyone else, since puny humans was able to kill him?
In fact, Jesus Christ made it clear to the devil that it is only to Jehovah God that must be worship as brought out in Matthew 4:10: "Then Jesus said to him: “Go away, Satan! For it is written: ‘It is Jehovah your God you must worship, and it is to him alone you must render sacred service.’”"(New World Translation)."
• If Jesus Christ was the same as God, then why would he tell the devil that it is only to Jehovah God that he must worship and render sacred service to(instead of doing such things to Jesus Christ himself)?
***Jehovah is the name of our Heavenly Father as revealed by his Son Jesus Christ and as revealed in God's Word the Bible.
So since no where in God's Word the Bible does it mentions the Trinity doctrine, and Jesus Christ made it clear that he is an subordinate to Jehovah God, then wouldn't it be reasonable to come to the conclusion that the Trinity doctrine is nothing more than a teaching that people has made up, which Jesus Christ had made it clear in Mark 7:8, that he doesn't approve of teachings that are not based on God's Word, when he had said this:
"You have let go of God’s commands. And you are holding on to teachings that people have made up.”"(New International Reader's Version)
Based on this scripture, now do you see why I had asked you that question at the beginning of the discussion?
I hope to get your thoughts on this very serious subject, because as Jesus Christ had brought out in the Bible book of John 17:3, our life depends upon us knowing him and the True God.