Board index The End of the World

Everybody's interested, but nobody cares? Endless theories, wild speculation, and many ancient prophecies. What does the Bible say? Ask what you want.

Is Corona the foundation of the mark of the Beast

Postby Buddha » Mon Apr 27, 2020 3:11 pm

Do you think the pandemic, is the foundation for the mark of the beast?

And will the saved be raptured, and spared from having to face that situation?

Re: Is Corona the foundation of the mark of the Beast

Postby jimwalton » Mon Apr 27, 2020 3:29 pm

These are both very hot questions. As for the first, there is a LOT of buzz on social media (esp. Twitter and Youtube) right now about this very question. Many (and I mean MANY!) see Bill Gates, ID2020, Event 201, Fauci, Corona, 5G, the political leaders of the world, Pope Francis, and the push towards keeping track of everyone via apps, vaccines, and certificates as the emergence of a New World Order that Rev. 13 & 17 talk about. The cultural watchers are seeing, as they say it, "many dots being connected."

The buzz is that this vaccine that Gates & Fauci are working on, with WHO and Rockefeller Foundation, will have a digital marker or tracer in it to allow "Big Brother" to control where you go, whether you can buy food or not, where you can work, etc. The theorists on social media are saying this is the mark of the beast. It will begin with the certificates of vaccination to regulate if you can have a job or enter a store, along with the app so Big Brother can watch you, but then it will expand into total control by the One World Government (and there are advocates and movements towards such a thing as we speak).

There is also chatter about the virus and its vaccine (side effects include death) being used in tandem to reduce the global population by billions, also a prophecy of Revelation.

I had a lengthy conversation with Dr. D. Brent Sandy (of Wheaton College) last week about the prophesies of Daniel. His viewpoint is that the details of these prophecies are not what the prophesies are about, but instead components of the whole, which is all we're supposed to pay attention to. He also said that we never ever ever understand prophecy until it's over and we're looking back at it.

Me, personally? I'm struggling to know what to think. I search the Scriptures, pay attention to the news, digest social media, and at this point nothing is coming crystal clear to me. I do believe that eventually humanity is truly going to be in the End Times—one of these days it will be so. Our lifetime? Now? As Yoda would say, "Hard to see the future is." If I had to take a position, I do see a lot of pieces coming together that could be harbingers of the End, but there are still other important pieces missing. Those could come together very quickly, or this whole thing could dissipate and be another candidate for the End Times that wasn't it after all. I'm watching things very closely, as Jesus advised, so I can discern the times. Each day brings new development.

But it was also the advice of Jesus not to get wrapped up in predictions. His emphasis, instead, was faithfulness no matter what day it is.

> And will the saved be raptured, and spared from having to face that situation?

Christians very much vary on this point. I think the best approach is to train yourself as if you're going to go through it, and be full of praise if you don't have to!

I'm very much interested in all of this stuff and am paying great attention. We can talk about it more if you wish.
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Re: Is Corona the foundation of the mark of the Beast

Postby Buddha » Sat Nov 19, 2022 8:45 am


Last bumped by Anonymous on Sat Nov 19, 2022 8:45 am.

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