Board index The End of the World

Everybody's interested, but nobody cares? Endless theories, wild speculation, and many ancient prophecies. What does the Bible say? Ask what you want.

Re: UAE: How many of you aware of Antichrist?

Postby Puzzled Emu » Wed Sep 23, 2020 12:29 pm

there was 50 min video :? , I too very much interested in this thing and glad I found you. about daniels 2300 days(sorry it was 2300 days) here is the link in short the 2300 days was ended in 1844 A.D According to the link. but actually Daniel prohecy was all about how Jesus coming to power!. revelation is about end times. Daily sacrifices was halted in A.D 70 but it doesn't meet the requirements!. Daniel 12:11 [ From the time that the daily sacrifice is abolished and the abomination that causes desolation is set up, there will be 1,290 days. ]they didn't keep any abomination thing till now!

2thessalonias 2:3-6 Let no one in any way deceive you, for it will not come unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, who opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being God. Do you not remember that while I was still with you, I was telling you these things? And you know what restrains him now, so that in his time he will be revealed. Nero never told he was a God!!! and also add Romans 11:25 it's about when normal people enters into temple mount ,formerly Solomon's temple, the Jesus second comming was mentioned and also
Mathew 24: whole
Luke 21: whole
Mark 13:Whole
2thessalonias 1 and 2 whole(Chapters)
1thessalonias 5 whole
1 Corinthians 15:20-27 [24- (specific)][51-specific]
Puzzled Emu

Re: UAE: How many of you aware of Antichrist?

Postby jimwalton » Wed Sep 23, 2020 1:26 pm

> 1844 A.D

I watched the video. His interpretation of the days from the decree to Jesus is common. But then he marched it on to 1844 and waffled. Nothing happened in 1844. The sanctuary was not reconsecrated. Jesus didn't come back. A man named Charles Williams had also done the same math and concluded Jesus would return in 1844; He didn't.

We have to be SO careful to make these calculations and come to conclusions. Jesus said we won't be able to figure out the day or the hour.

Even AD 70, add 1290 years, and nothing for that either.

> 2 Thes. 2.3-6

So are you saying that the UAE is this man of lawlessness who will set itself up in God's temple (that doesn't yet exist), proclaiming himself to be God?

> Nero never told he was a God!!!

Correct, at least not that I know.

> NT texts

These are just the texts about the End Times. But how does the UAE treaty with Israel fit into them? I don't see it.
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Re: UAE: How many of you aware of Antichrist?

Postby Puzzled Emu » Thu Sep 24, 2020 4:21 pm

to give a brief, israel is the only country with Jews, so all sorrounding it was Muslims. we all know it that Muslims don't like Jews because they want to rebuild the temple eliminating the masquie. once treaty was signed up. after few years or months either they would build a temple beside the mosquie, or rebuild the temple.

but the problem is Muslims or not Jews. they insult other religions but they don't want to insult their god and the truth is thy are simply praying our god, in other name and who is also the Jews god. in India the Vedic Hindu is different from current hindu. they didn't even where their gods came from. but when Jews temple was build beside the temple mount. that's it's. Muslims are not Jews, they are normal people according to bible and once they enter the same place with Jews. that's it!. it's finished and btw Daniel interpretation is something about Jesus starting judgment(2300 days) and not about 2nd comming
Puzzled Emu

Re: UAE: How many of you aware of Antichrist?

Postby jimwalton » Thu Sep 24, 2020 4:29 pm

Wow, this is quite a theory, but I disagree with you that the god of Islam (Allah) is the same God as YHWH, and therefore that the Dome of the Rock (Qubbat As-Sakhrah) is the Temple Daniel is talking about.

Allah and YHWH are not the same. Allah is unknowable; YHWH is knowable. Allah is not understood as a person or as personal; YHWH is a personal being with intellect, emotion, and will. Allah is not a spirit; YHWH is a spirit. Allah is not limited by anything, not even by his own nature; YHWH is limited by his nature—YHWH, for instance, can't lie or act in a way contrary to His nature. Because Allah is not limited, he is totally capricious and untrustworthy; he is not bound by his nature or his word. Allah does not enter history; YHWH does. They can't possibly be the same deity.
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Re: UAE: How many of you aware of Antichrist?

Postby Puzzled Emu » Sun Sep 27, 2020 3:19 pm

I agree with you, but the meaning of allah is real god. they were not not praying for YHWH, but they are praying for YHWH Father ,which Jesus, his father , holy spirit are same!. Jesus words "I AM" is the texts comming from old testament to new teastment and I think old testament was there in quran too. they can't accept because Jesus died and God's don't die and also they can't be in humans. they are blinded by satan. But Adam and Eve saw the God And talked with god! the jesus!. Muslims don't belive Jesus until he comes in glory of light. I don't think they would accept Allah if he comes in human!. I don't even know how they want to see their god. people don't like them because they compare other gods with hatred animals though
Puzzled Emu

Re: UAE: How many of you aware of Antichrist?

Postby jimwalton » Sat Nov 19, 2022 8:38 am

> the meaning of allah is real god.

Of course, they can name their god whatever they want. It doesn't mean he's the real God. Crystal Geyser Water ( ... er_Company) doesn't come from geysers. People can name their stuff whatever they want.

> they were not not praying for YHWH, but they are praying for YHWH Father ,which Jesus, his father , holy spirit are same!

It's not the same. Surah 4.171 denies the Trinity (that Isa is also the Father). The Holy Spirit is Islam is the same as the angel Gabriel. These are NOT the same between Christianity and Islam.

> I think old testament was there in quran too.

I'm not aware of Allah being called "I AM" in the Qur'an. If I'm mistaken, please show me the reference. I'd be glad to make a note of it.

> they are blinded by satan.

I agree.

> But Adam and Eve saw the God And talked with god! the jesus!

Adam and Eve talked with God, but not with Jesus. A&E talked with YHWH Elohim, not with Jesus.

> I don't think they would accept Allah if he comes in human!

I agree. There are many reasons why we can say with confidence that Muslims and Christians do not worship the same God. I'm also confident that we can say the Dome of the Rock doesn't qualify as the Jewish Temple of prophecy.

Last bumped by Anonymous on Sat Nov 19, 2022 8:38 am.
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