Board index The End of the World

Everybody's interested, but nobody cares? Endless theories, wild speculation, and many ancient prophecies. What does the Bible say? Ask what you want.

Last Days

Postby Exclusive » Fri Jul 21, 2023 10:42 am

Do you believe we’re living in the last days?

Re: Last Days

Postby jimwalton » Fri Jul 21, 2023 11:03 am

Yes, I do. Probably in 2024.

  • The whore of Babylon (Rev. 18) is America. Biden is Caligula.
  • The first beast of Rev. 13 is LGBT, and PRIDE is her "church." They are setting themselves up as a false religion. Everyone is worshiping at their feet. They are the new global idolatry. They are committing blasphemy and persecuting the Church.
  • AI presents a clear and present danger to all humanity. Knowledge will increase (Dan. 12.4). AI technology is paving the way for government or corporate control over humanity.
  • China is partnering with Russia. The "kings" of the North and East of Ezk. 38-39.
  • China is gearing up for war with Taiwan, and therefore also with US, and therefore also with NATO, probably in 2024. Wars and rumors of wars.
  • China is experimenting with bioweapons that will lead us to the four horsemen of the apocalypse in Rev. 6.
  • Just today in NPR (, Russia is laying the groundwork to attack civilian ships and blame Ukraine. It will threaten the global food supply. It could easily lead to international war (World War) as well as global food shortages (Rev. 6.5-6)
  • Digital currency, digital IDs. The stage is set for one world government. The global elites (IMF, WHO, governments, the pope, UN, economic elites like Zuckerberg & Bezos, big pharma) conspire together to consolidate wealth & power. It requires factors like getting rid of freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and freedom of religion, along with controlling the press, creating chaos in society, changing definitions of words, and shutting down opposing ideas. All this is happening now.
  • Natural cataclysms are happening globally: heat waves, floods, wildfires, melting of the glaciers and ice caps, etc. Coincides with Matthew 24 and Revelation's depictions of apocalyptic visions of natural disaster.
  • Christians are being prosecuted and legislated against, being labelled as homophobic, hate mongers, domestic terrorists, and a danger to humanity—because we won't worship the "beast" of LGBT.

Observe the signs. Connect the dots.

America's military and economic vulnerabilities encourages China to invade Taiwan next year (before the US election), bringing the US and NATO into war with China, Russia, and Iran. The global idolatry of LGBT advances the downfall of traditional religions (Christianity, Judaism, Islam) and sets up an abomination of desolation joined by the apostate "church." The downfall of America allows the global elites to establish a one world government, using AI, CBDC, and DIDs, along with military and trade monopoly, to exercise control and subdue the masses.
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Re: Last Days

Postby Sorted » Sun Jul 23, 2023 9:01 am

LGBT as a false religion? Wow! You are really a doomsayer with this rant. I guess you have found "comfort" in your religious views.

Re: Last Days

Postby jimwalton » Sat Aug 05, 2023 3:44 am

Thank you for your response. I'm more than glad to discuss it.

First, it's not a rant at all, but a carefully thought-out and researched position. I've been making observations for 20 years, and this is where I've arrived on this particular subject so far, so I thought I'd put it out there for reactions.

So let's discuss LGBT as a false religion. A religion is a belief system espousing certain values, a particular worldview, and insisting on certain behaviors. It is also "a pursuit or interest to which someone ascribes supreme importance," as in "consumerism is a new religion for up-and-coming suburbanites." LGBT qualifies in all of these areas.

Matt Walsh, a political commentator who doesn't know me and is certainly not aware of any of my writings or positions, has said: "Keep in mind that when the LGBT cult calls on you to be an 'ally,' they are actually calling on you to bow before them and be their servant." It seems he sees LGBT as a pseudo-religion also.

It also has used its ideology to prosecute Christians and Christianity in America. My record-keeping starts in 2005, and there are dozens of court cases that have been brought against Christians to have them excluded from college campuses, fired from their jobs, have their business establishments be taken away from them, and even to have them excluded from certain public places. More court cases against Christians, in the past 20 years, have come from LGBT roots than from any other source. FFRF is another primary source of court cases against Christians.

As far as being a doomsayer, then Gen. Mike Minihan is also one for saying we'll be at war with China by 2025, Elon Musk is one for saying that AI is a danger to the world, and Anthony Fauci is one for saying there's another pandemic around the corner. I'm curious: are people who are able to see what's coming just to be denounced as "doomsayers"?

> I guess you have found "comfort" in your religious views.

I do find comfort in the truth of my religion, but I don't find comfort in these particular views. I find them anxiety-producing, as I assume anyone would.

Last bumped by Anonymous on Sat Aug 05, 2023 3:44 am.
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