Why is Christian unity impossible? Why is there not one Christian Church with one truth, one Christ, one Body? With a holy, canonized, singular text, why is there division in every subdivision of all the thousands of Christian denominations?
A global church body completely unified in consensus as to their knowing of Christ, his will, and the way in particular that he wants his church/children to be, would be a valuable and beautiful thing for the church (and by extension, the world). However, not even through Christ, the bible, the cross, his death and resurrection, the holy spirit; even together with their unifying power they are not enough to form a strong, thorough, brotherly binding consensus even for a lasting moment in the history of the fragmented organization (maybe maayybe in Acts. The reason there is no way possible to a consensus of a Christian truth or a consensus of Christ is that there are millions of Christs/millions of bibles - very possibly one per Christian (you may say that this does not affect "the Truth", but that's exactly the heart of what this post is looking for and hopes to find).
If you look at the church (today or throughout it's history, even in Acts) and are honest to yourself, you will easily observe that Christians are those who decide what the bible says (about women leaders/pastors, baptism, infant baptism, loss of salvation, unborn babies in heaven, divorce, suicide, dogs-going-to-heaven, eldership, pre-destination/election (!), confession, head coverings/ jewelry, tattoos, to name a very brief few) -- not God. They decided what it says before it was written/ canonized and they decide it almost as easily uninterrupted today despite having a canonized, 'unifying' holy text (not to mention the other more modern Christianities which I'm not even talking about here, they wrote their texts too recently to be of much consequence to this debate). Therefore I offer that Christians, individually and corporately, decide who is/was Christ, and Christians decide what the bible is and what it says (it isn't their fault, they truly have no choice but to) - this is why I submit that a unified consensus, that a unifying and true, holy "Truth" of Christ and his holy bible will never be possible for Christianity.
I hope and am sure there is interesting dialogue to be had on this subject of unity in the truth of Christ and unity of the church and her beliefs. Please don't hesitate to rip my argument to shreds and point out where I'm wrong or misguided. (I'll comb this post to make sure it abides by the posting commandments but please let me know before you take it down and I'll gladly amend).