Board index The Holy Spirit

What is this, some kind of mystical presence? An "it" or a "He"? Let's talk.

Is Jesus the Holy Spirit?

Postby YHCH » Tue Apr 21, 2020 8:49 am

A question on the Holy Spirit. Is Jesus considered God? And is Jesus the Holy Spirit, God and Lord?

Re: Is Jesus the Holy Spirit?

Postby jimwalton » Sat Nov 19, 2022 9:34 am

> Is Jesus considered God?

Yes. Jesus claimed divinity in many subtle ways (His "I AM" statements) and His miracles (like the one in Mark 2:1-12), and many other ways. He also explicitly said that He and God the Father are one essence in John 10:30. His followers also considered Him to be God (John 1:1), as did Paul (who wrote most of the New Testament). We can talk about this further if you want.

> And is Jesus the Holy Spirit, God and Lord?

The Holy Spirit is a separate person of the Trinity. He is a member of the one God, as are Jesus and the Father. Just as in John 1:1 Jesus (the Word) is both with God and is God, so also we read that the Holy Spirit is different from Jesus but has a oneness of essence with Jesus.

Jesus is not the Holy Spirit. They are separate persons. Jesus is God, though He is a separate person from the Father God. And Jesus is Lord.

Obviously this sounds confusing. Ask more questions and we'll keep talking.

Last bumped by Anonymous on Sat Nov 19, 2022 9:34 am.
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