This is extraordinarily helpful! Thank you for writing me!
If you have time, I have more questions... I am like the damned hydra: If you cut down one question, two more grow in its place!
If so, I want to ask you about the Holy Spirit -- the presence of God.
The whole issue of salvation has grieved me... One must submit in fear to a God one is unsure exists in order to enter a life of neuroticism about whether one is truly saved because God's presence (much like "God's voice") is undetectable -- whilst never seriously entertaining the thought that God may not exist, lest what one thought was faith wasn't, or that their faith is smaller than a mustard seed. That neatly sums up three years of agony.
Tying in the Holy Spirit, then... What about bearing witness with our spirit that we are children of God (Rom 8:15-16)? Or, what about the intercession of the Holy Spirit (Rom 8:xx)? What about God's Spirit revealing God's thoughts (1 Cor 2)? ...To be honest, I feel like throwing up even talking about this, because I've experienced so much anguish hoping that God might be real and might be greater than a world in which He apparently doesn't exist. I was rather hoping that God's presence might be detectable somehow.... I mean, f***, what ever happened to the revolutionary Holy Spirit that was given at Pentecost? Now one has turned to introspection to see whether God Himself is actually present! The focus has become more on the person and their efforts rather than on God and His work -- probably because He doesn't exist! Yeah right about faith being God's work! That's bullshit... it is the work of human beings (otherwise we wouldn't be having this conversation). But seriously, you say that we don't hear from God in our inner being... But, then what's all this crap about the Holy Spirit in the New Testament?
You know what I think? I think the Bible is the refuge for Christians to ignore the fact that God's voice and God's presence are nowhere to be found. And, I am not even talking scientifically! I am simply talking about discerning another being! As far as I am concerned, we are all the f*** alone on this miserable planet. But, Christians will then say that they "heard God" or "have experienced God." ...Just as you've argued that "hearing God" doesn't happen, I would suggest that "experiencing Him" likewise doesn't. Experientially, there is no basis for believing that He exists. Experiencing God appears to be no more than a mind game. And, this is me pissed off at this jerk (God) for asking me (through the Bible) to give everything... for nothing. I mean, sure, theologians can tell me everything that I might gain... But, when the rubber meets the road, what really do I gain?
I am furious at the concept of God. If God is a person, then I hate Him. And, this hostility you might interpret as "being in the flesh." f***, this hostility is my not wanting to "be in the flesh" but having no choice, because God is unresponsive! ...God should own up and just give me His Spirit. But, the damn fool resembles NOTHING of a personal God. He is NOWHERE to be found. This is becoming more apparent to me than ever... And I am finally able to see theologians for what they really are... deceived. Screw the problem of evil in the world... A much simpler soteriological problem is at issue here -- and God, the blithering non-existence baffoon, can't do a damned thing about it! I may ask God for help, but apparently I -- capital "I" -- am not doing enough! I may have done more in the past than I am at present, but whatever I did led me to where I am now -- right through the non-existent hands of a non-existent God.
I hate the concept of God -- and God Himself, if He is a person.
I think I may pass out from anger... Unless you can actually calm this storm, this nearly uncontrollable rage and knife-cutting agony, please do not write back. I am in too much pain right now to take anymore from God, or worse, His people.