The Bible teaches that there is only one true God, and therefore by necessity all other gods are false and are the products of misunderstandings, outright lies, erroneous philosophical and theological thought, and sometimes deliberate misleading. Since God, and the messengers under his command, are not involved in such deceit (a kingdom divided against itself can't stand), all miracles in other religions are perpetrated by spiritual powers that are not God and not from his camp, which would mean Satanic or demonic powers.
Truth, by definition, is quite limiting and restrictive. Of all the numbers in existence, 2 + 2 only equals one of them. Just one. Only one note on the piano is middle C. We are not free, if we are interested in truth, to generate our own rendition of things. Instead, we must use our reasoning power to discover what is.
Christianity and Hinduism are contradictory, and while it's possible that neither are true, it is not possible that both are true. The heart of philosophical Hinduism is self-deification. "Man is God in a temporary state of self-forgetfulness." But the union of the personal with the impersonal absolutely defies language, reason, and existential realities. As such, it is not philosophically coherent, and it is directly contradictory to the teachings of the Bible. The bottom line is that the Hindus point to their Scriptures as truth. But if that’s the case, then Hinduism cannot claim that all ways are true for the simple reason that some religions (Muslims, Buddhists, and Christians) deny the eternal veracity of the Vedas. Even some Hindus deny the claim, so there are even self-contradictions. Are there no gods, or are there many? Is ultimate reality impersonal, or is it that "truth is God and God is truth"? The worship of various life forces and natural phenomena are considered idolatrous by Christians, and therefore not originating with the true God, and therefore of a spiritual source that is untruthful.
That's not to say that every person from every non-abrahamic religion who has experienced miracles is a victim of this. Sometimes in the Bible God does miracles in the lives of those who don't follow him to convince them of himself or to draw them to himself.
The theology and practical analysis of miracles is extremely difficult, for even in the Bible there is no specific teaching given to show us how to distinguish true miracles from God from miracles from other sources. With our eyes and ears it's not always possible to discern the source, though in the Bible the miracles are often accompanied by revelation (the interpretation of a prophet, for instance) to make clear that the miracle was from God or from another source.