by jimwalton » Tue Mar 28, 2017 7:50 am
Ya see, I'm not a Catholic. Catholics have elevated the words of the pope to be equal to God's revelation, and there's nothing about that for me to agree with. The Bible is the Bible; the Bible is what God has given us. To me the words of humans, no matter how wise, don't merit the same rank. Gluttony is one of the seven deadly sins according to the RC church, but even in their theology there is no Scripture to back up the teaching. Therefore, as an evangelical Protestant, that has no rank. Gluttony is foolish and self-destructive, but God doesn't call it a sin. So especially in this conversation where you are trying to say it's as sinful as suicide, there is no biblical evidence to support that thesis. There are no mental gymnastics, but just the pages of the Bible vs. men's thoughts.
Last bumped by Anonymous on Tue Mar 28, 2017 7:50 am.