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Is being yourself a sin?

Postby Juvenile » Thu Apr 23, 2020 11:44 am

Why do we have to stop and start doing certain things in order to obey the lord, when that's not who you are? Like being naturally gay and you have to become straight. Seeing animals as soul less and worthless they're just there to please the humans (That's actually what I read) when they are also living beings and you want to be their friend and they do have soul and need survival. Using Science as a way to tell how Earth was created. (I've seen many pastors/priest tell people to not believe in Science. I even heard playing Video Games was a sin and I love Video Games any normal boy loves Video Games. Also I'm Gay and I don't think there's anything wrong with me, but I am disobeying the word of God. I keep hearing I have to repent but I don't want to do that :( Why does God and Christ sound so controlling? (I can already see so many people arguing again and again that I have darkness in my soul for saying something like that) Do you really have to Obey the word of God every single time? Is showing love always going to be obeying God and his commands or what you care for and what you're curious what others have to say and Accept that everybody is Different and that's what makes life Beautiful. Why do we not pay attention to John 3:16 anymore, what does belief in him supposed to mean? I need to know the truth.

Re: Is being yourself a sin?

Postby jimwalton » Tue Oct 27, 2020 5:42 pm

Sin is both a condition and behavior of being separated from God. It's not necessarily an expression of being "bad" or "evil," but instead of falling short of who God is. As Watchman Nee said, "Man’s thought is always of the punishment that will come to him if he sins, but God’s thought is always of the glory man will miss if he sins. The result of sin is that we forfeit God’s glory."

> Why do we have to stop and start doing certain things in order to obey the lord, when that's not who you are?

John Calvin taught (and I believe rightly so) the theology of "Total Depravity." It doesn't mean that we're all evil to the core, but instead that there isn't one inch of us that is fit for living in God's presence. Every bit of us needs to be transformed, and that's the miracle that Jesus offers to do for us for free (we can't earn it) because we're unable to transform ourselves.

> Like being naturally gay and you have to become straight.

The Bible doesn't tell us why being gay doesn't reflect God's nature, but then it doesn't tell us why lying, stealing, or adultery don't either. It doesn't explain, it just shows us the way.

> Seeing animals as soul less and worthless they're just there to please the humans

Animals may be soulless, but there's nothing worthless about them. As creations of God they are valuable, and we are specifically given the mandate to care for living creatures as worthy of compassion and responsible stewardship.

> Using Science as a way to tell how Earth was created.

I have nothing against using science in such a way. I love science, and I believe in evolution. Science isn't the enemy, but instead another way that God reveals Himself to us.

> I even heard playing Video Games was a sin.


> Do you really have to Obey the word of God every single time?

Yes. The Word of God is God's revelation of Himself to humanity and an expression of the wisdom by which life is to be lived.

> Why does God and Christ sound so controlling?

They're not controlling, but rather compassionate. They want what's best for you, and that often means setting aside anything that is less than ultimately beneficial.

> Is showing love always going to be obeying God and his commands or what you care for and what you're curious what others have to say and Accept that everybody is Different and that's what makes life Beautiful.

We don't have to decide between these. Our world is wonderful, and science and art are fantastic ways to explore it and appreciate it. Curiosity is a gift God gave us to be enjoyed and fulfilled. Love is a beautiful expression of human compassion and care. They're all good.

> Why do we not pay attention to John 3:16 anymore, what does belief in him supposed to mean?

To believe in Jesus in this context is to recognize Him as the One who comes from God and who acts and speaks in His name. In other words, Jesus is God, He is sent from God to save the world, and we accept God’s free gift of salvation through His death on the cross. To "believe in Him" is to receive in Him the love of God, and to love God in return.

Last bumped by Anonymous on Tue Oct 27, 2020 5:42 pm.
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