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Current Christianity vs. Jesus

Postby Propaganda » Sun Oct 11, 2020 2:38 pm

Do you ever think that the Christianity Christ taught is different than what’s taught by your church?

Re: Current Christianity vs. Jesus

Postby jimwalton » Mon Oct 26, 2020 6:19 pm

Not really. I was recently dong a research project to read through the Gospels and see what the core of Jesus's message was. Here (briefly) is what I found:

1. Repent of your sins.
2. The kingdom of Heaven is here, and not many will find it.
3. Jesus is worthy to be followed.
4. Following Jesus demands sacrifice and has a cost.
5. Jesus sends His followers out to bring others to Him.
6. Jesus came to bring life, to save the lost, and to give His life as a ransom.
7. The underdogs of the world and the oppressed of society are special in the eyes of God.
8. The Law is still valid until everything is accomplished.
9. Your mental attitude and the motives of your heart are just as important as your behavior.
10. Be dependent on God.
11. Treat other people with love, dignity, respect, and compassion.
12. Pay special and careful attention to how you treat and lead children.
13. We have a loving Father in Heaven who gives good gifts to His children.
14. Don't waste what you've been given.
15. There are a lot of hypocrites, fakers, and enemies in the world. They will always be around. Be careful of them.
16. Judgment will come to those who reject Jesus and take offense at Him.

Look at this list, I would say that the Christianity Christ taught is very similar to the Christianity my church teaches.

Last bumped by Anonymous on Mon Oct 26, 2020 6:19 pm.
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