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Misogyny, Feminism, and the role of women in the church. Does the Bible treat women as inferior? What is the role, or place of women in the church? A MUCH disagreed-about topic.

Question around treatment of woman

Postby Pita Pie » Wed Apr 06, 2022 2:39 pm

I am struggling to understand why the bible discusses rules that mistreat woman. I understand alot of it is in the Old Testament and does not apply to today but I am struggling to understand why God would do this to woman. I guess I am asking why a loving God would treat woman as “less than”. An example I came across was in Deuteronomy Chapter 22. It talks about how a man and woman should be killed if a man rapes a woman. I am not trying to challenge anything I am just trying to get a better understanding.
Pita Pie

Re: Question around treatment of woman

Postby jimwalton » Thu Jun 23, 2022 5:43 pm

The Bible doesn't approve the mistreatment of women. I don't know where you got your information or your opinion, but I'm challenging it.

As far as Deuteronomy 22, you've somehow misunderstood the whole thing. The paragraph of 13-21 is a case involving a false accusation (13-19) and a counter-case where the charges prove to be true. The former goes to great lengths to protect the honor and integrity of the woman against an abusive husband. The second doesn't try to defend a woman who is guilty. The situation has nothing to do with rape.

Verses 22-29 are 3 scenarios that threaten a marriage. The first is adultery (22). In the second, if both the man and the woman are complicit in the affair, they are both judged (23-24). In the third (25), the man rapes the woman, and it specifically says the man should be executed for that (25). The woman is deemed innocent and victimized (26).

So where do you get that "It talks about how a man and woman should be killed if a man rapes a woman"?

Last bumped by Anonymous on Thu Jun 23, 2022 5:43 pm.
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