Board index Pornography


Postby soap » Mon May 09, 2016 12:42 am

I am asking here because I don't want mg identity to be revealed, because if it is, it will rip this family apart.

My dad is viewing porn. I have never caught him actually watching it, but about a 1 year ago, I was helping him with his tablet. I look in the notifaction bar and I see several URLs of porn downloads. There was a "glitch" on that version of Android that if you didn't clear the cahce of the Downloads app it the notification will stay there forever. I gave him the benefit of the doubt and just let it go. I thought maybe it was someone else that did that.

I have never been so wrong.

Fast forward a few months and see that same notification on his tablet, except more of them. I wanted to do something about it, but I didnt take care of it right away and the enemy took over by making me forget.

Fast forward to today,

I needed to get some pictures off my dads phone, so he unlocks it and let's me pull the pics off. I open the photos app and I see a topless woman in one of the preview bubbles on his phone. That phone is not even 6 months old and he doesn't transfer stuff between his devices.

What should I do?

Re: Help

Postby jimwalton » Tue Jun 28, 2016 8:09 pm

Wow, tough situation. Just so you know, I'm not a trained counsellor, so just take my words as they are, not as professional advice.

I don't know how old you are, but I'll assume high school or older, if that's fair, based on your language and tech talk.

Your dad is in a dangerous place, and, as you said, it could rip your family apart. Pornography turns out to be a soul-damaging addiction, and it's extremely hurtful to the wife (especially), but also to the children, as you are experiencing. It's a plague of our age, a lowlife predator of the Internet.

It would seem to me, based on your age and your relationship with your dad, that a gentle confrontation, lovingly discussed, is in order. Just let your dad know that it turns into addiction, can end up costing the family money (pay for porn), and will hurt Mom so deeply she may never recover. Do it in a way that he senses your love for him and your concern over damage to the family.

You may want to check out It's a Christian site with a section about parents, and that might be a good place to start. You could do some reading there on your own before you talk to Dad.

I'll pray for you. You're in a tough spot, but many men have been helped by the Holy Spirit to pull away from the porn consumption. Check out that website, and keep in touch.

Last bumped by Anonymous on Tue Jun 28, 2016 8:09 pm.
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