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The Gospel According to Matthew

Matthew 7:21-23

Postby Context » Thu Nov 30, 2023 3:29 pm

This verse is really messing with me, I'm looking to see how others interpret this.

Re: Matthew 7:21-23

Postby jimwalton » Sun Dec 24, 2023 4:24 pm

This text follows immediately after, where Jesus lets us know it isn’t so simple and there’s more to it than just discerning their “fruit.” In this text, Jesus says there are some people who will seem to have all the right “fruit,” but they’re still false prophets. There are some people who prophecy in the name of God, drive out demons, and even perform miracles, but don’t be deceived by their “fruit.” Genuineness is not just found in this kind of “fruit,” but also in doing the will of the Father.

Falseness is difficult to detect. Faith plays itself out in life-change. Just because at one point in your life you ask Jesus into your heart is not all of what’s required. We know from the parable of the soils and from Hebrews 6 that there’s more to it than that. Not everyone who addresses Him as Lord will enter into the kingdom of heaven. A person’s lifestyle is the true detector of his faith and sincerity. Doing is most important. James 2.

The expression of “Lord, Lord” implies that you have chosen to obey, especially since calling him “Lord” is a deliberate choice one makes. But then to not obey the one you have chosen and pledged to obey is worse than an insult; it’s a hypocritical rejection that some people manage to justify.

Some may claim that prophesying in His name, driving out demons, and performing miracles is “doing the will of the Father.” Obviously not. Matthew 7.19 speaks about “fruit,” which could imply (since it’s in the same section) that these are false prophets, driving out demons and doing miracles for possibly nefarious purposes (Ex. 7.11, 22; Mt. 24.24; 2 Thes. 2.9; Rev. 13.13; 16.13-14; 19.20).

What matters is the person, not their power. It is the one who has the nature of Jesus who is in relationship with God, not just the one who displays power normally attributed to God.

V. 22: “Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?’ ”

So, “how can one cast out demons and prophesy without the help of the Lord?” According to these other texts (that I listed above), there are other powerful spiritual forces at work that can imitate and simulate the power of God—specifically designed and executed to deceive people (Mt. 24.24; 2 Cor. 11.13-14; Rev. 13.14). In this Matthew text, Jesus is warning us not to be taken in. Neither church leadership nor miraculous powers guarantee that a person is a true follower of Jesus. People use God for their own ends. Test everything (1 Thes. 5.21).

Jesus rejects those who reject him first. They are false-followers. One thing can be said of Jesus: He doesn’t let anyone pull one over on Him, and He doesn’t pull any punches. He is always fair.

Last bumped by Anonymous on Sun Dec 24, 2023 4:24 pm.
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