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What is the Bible? Why do we say it's God's Word? How did we get it? What makes it so special?
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Does the New Testament suddenly make the old one void?

Postby Throwaway » Tue Nov 22, 2022 2:11 pm

Does the New Testament suddenly make the old one void?

I've seen some state that Jesus did recant anything with the New Testament and some state he did, how come God needed two covenants in general? Was it because the first one wasn't good enough?

Re: Does the New Testament suddenly make the old one void?

Postby jimwalton » Sun Dec 04, 2022 6:41 pm

It doesn't make the old one void, rather, it fulfills it. The old one is still there, is still God-breathed, and still has much to teach us about the nature of God and the nature of humanity. But the New Testament fulfills it, brings it into focus, shows the full picture (where the OT could just show part of the picture), and refines the OT in ways the OT didn't show us.

Last bumped by Anonymous on Sun Dec 04, 2022 6:41 pm.
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