"Then the LORD said, "My Spirit will not contend with humans forever, for they are mortal; their days will be a hundred and twenty years."
1 - It appears that we are on the cusp of humans living longer than 125 years and have already had a few people come close to that number. Hypothetically speaking if someone ends up living longer than 125 years how would you interpret this verse in light of that event?
2 - How do you interpret the aspect of this verse about God not wanting to put up with humans for more than 125 years given that the Bible teaches that our souls are immortal? Isn't God going to have to put up with us for forever in Heaven?
I'm really curious about #1 and how you will reconcile that happening. My first, best guest would be that those who take the Bible as the infallible word of God will assume or come to believe that the person who has lived over 125 years is lying about their age or confused about it and that the documents verifying the age of birth are in error.
But should living past 125 years become commonplace that will become harder and harder to do and the problem with this verse is that there is not much you can do as far as interpreting it in a different way as far as I can see, not without some serious mental gymnastics. The big issue here being that if the Bible's statement that God will not let us live longer than 125 years is invalidated it is no longer possible to believe the Bible is the infallible word of God - which is the entire backbone of the Christian fundamentalist movement.