by jimwalton » Mon Nov 23, 2020 3:08 pm
> So you don’t believe Australian Aboriginals can be saved?
Wow, where did this come from? I didn't say this at all, or hint it, or even sneeze in that direction. If you mean Australian Aboriginals before the modern era, Paul says in Rom. 5.13 that sin is not charged against anyone where they had not received the Law. If you mean Australian Aboriginals now, of course they can be saved. Anyone can be saved.
> There are countless flaws with trying to erase the historicity of Genesis
Where did this come from? I'm not trying to erase the historicity of Genesis. I fully believe in its historicity.
> if you agree with naturalistic evolutionism and think that Adam was somehow given a soul 6,000 years ago then the aboriginals cannot be saved according the the Bible.
I don't follow this logic at all. If God considered them as without souls, then they would die and cease to exist as animals do. If God considered them as having souls, then I leave judgment in the hands of our sovereign, omniscient, and righteous God who will be perfectly fair with them.
> Secular reasoning has their evolutionary divergence around 37,000 years ago
OK, if that's what science says, then that's what we know for now. And exactly, then, what "form" were they? Presumably homo sapiens along some branch of development. It's impossible to know what their road to salvation would entail, but I trust that God will be perfectly fair in His assessments and consequent judgments or salvation. That's up to God, and the Bible doesn't give us any clue what that would be, so I won't voice an opinion on it. I wouldn't presume to speak about such an issue where God has not spoken on it.