by jimwalton » Thu Apr 17, 2014 8:47 am
You're right that Deborah and Barak worked as a team, with Deborah being the "more equal" of the two. She is a prophetess of the Lord who guided and led the whole operation by the Lord's counsel.
I don't find it strange that Barak is the one mentioned here, as he is the one who struggled with what the Lord was doing, but then found a measure of faith to act in the name of the Lord. Barak was the commander of the armies of Israel who amalgamated under his leadership to rise up against Sisera, the commander of the armies of the Canaanite confederacy.
Where faith becomes part of the picture is that Barak refused to go to battle against Sisera unless Deborah went with him (Judges 4.8). It's possible that what Hebrews 11.32 is emphasizing is that his insistence on Deborah's accompaniment was a way of expressing trust in God despite the military odds. And when he was told that his victory would be for God's honor and not his own (Judges 4.9), he still agreed. Since he went to battle under military duress (not having the advantage and with no natural reason to expect victory), trusting the Lord for the victory and willing to give God all the glory, he is isolated as an illustration of faith.
Deborah, by contrast, is an exemplar of faith, for she has supreme confidence in the Lord from beginning to end. She seems to have no struggle understanding the Lord's call and commission and in obeying his command.
While I can't say this with certainty, it seems to be the case that Hebrews 11 highlights those who struggled but found faith anyway, in which case Barak would be a more fitting example than Deborah, who simply shines.